Shout Box archive

16 Aug 20:38



Is it fulltime studies?

16 Aug 20:37



If the average is 30, I first can save up and then apply :P

16 Aug 20:37

Tristan Berndt


Um, I'm probably the youngest (20) and the oldest is like 50 something. I guess the average age is around 30

16 Aug 20:36

Tristan Berndt


It's really just to show an interest in figurative/representational art. What almost all classical art educations look for is interest rather than skill. They're there to train that skill and sometimes, less skill means less to un-learn, haha ^^

16 Aug 20:36



And what's the average age of students. So I'll know if should start dying my graying hair.

16 Aug 20:35



Yeah, at least in the summer courses :)

16 Aug 20:34

Brian Hermelijn


Oh eyliana is interested, :D

16 Aug 20:33



@Tristan; What is kinda the minimum skill level to get in? I saw some of the requirements on the website (Show intrest in master studies, draw from life etc.) But how good does it need to be? Do you have an indication for that?

16 Aug 20:30

Brian Hermelijn


Shall do if I do have, :)

16 Aug 20:27

Tristan Berndt


If anyone wants to know anything about what I do there, what we study/how etc. you just have to ask

16 Aug 20:27

Tristan Berndt


I'll try and keep an updated sketchbook while at school

16 Aug 20:26



* John cartwheels.

16 Aug 20:26

Brian Hermelijn


Amit suggested that to him :D

16 Aug 20:26

Brian Hermelijn


@John He actually mentioned about that in his sketchbook, I am eager to read more about it as well,

16 Aug 20:26



... or am I...

16 Aug 20:26



... not that I'm forcing you or anything! Haha!

16 Aug 20:26



@Tristan: Hey hey! Are you going to chronicle your atelier life here in the Daggers forum? I for one am interested in the atelier life!

16 Aug 20:24

Brian Hermelijn


Great. ;)

16 Aug 20:24

Tristan Berndt


Yeah, lots of fun, learning a lot ^^

16 Aug 20:24

Brian Hermelijn


How's the whole journey at the academy going? Enjoying it :D?

16 Aug 20:23

Tristan Berndt


Ah, yeah. Hey

16 Aug 20:23

Brian Hermelijn


Oh wait a minute, Tristan is back.

16 Aug 20:23

Tristan Berndt


It just means a change of plans. I know I can get work as an illustrator and concept artist but I'm very unfamiliar with the fine art world

16 Aug 20:22

Brian Hermelijn


If anything, woke up energized, but, of course, have to get used to this routine again.

16 Aug 20:22



@Tristan: What do you mean fear? Like you don't want to become a classical artist?

16 Aug 20:21



Someone get the..daggers

16 Aug 20:21

Brian Hermelijn


Nah. Went to bed at 10

16 Aug 20:21



What's all this violence in here

16 Aug 20:21



@Hermi: That just means you need to sleep more! >:)

16 Aug 20:20

Tristan Berndt


Fearing the same will happen to me....

16 Aug 20:19

Tristan Berndt


Heh, maybe. We have a few connections to digital art. The "academic director" where I am went to study classical in order to one day become a concept artist. Then when studying he got converted ;P

16 Aug 20:18

Brian Hermelijn


So early morning right now. Woke up at 5 (Initiated my early wake early sleep activity)