Im new to a forum never used one in my life so please bare with my noobisness
Moved to Crimson Daggers to better my art and continue my evolution

Started a sketchbook book becuase i suck and want to get much better ..soo..
Studies, Drawings and brain poops

[Image: more+halfway+to+black.jpg]

[Image: local+tones+and+halfway+to+black.jpg]

[Image: thumbs.jpg]

[Image: last+push+3L.png]

[Image: 20min+skool+study.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-luy71.jpg]

[Image: more+cubes.jpg]

[Image: cast+shadow+doodles2.jpg]

[Image: Even+more+halfway+to+black.jpg]

[Image: EVen+moooore+halfway+to+b.jpg]

[Image: more+hwtb2.jpg]

[Image: more+cubes2.jpg]

[Image: Value.jpg]

[Image: morrreeeeeeeeees.jpg]

[Image: more+halfway+to+blackshaddows.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]

[Image: thumbsblah.jpg]

[Image: grey+figure.jpg]

[Image: wes+distant+study+long-1.jpg]

[Image: wes+distant+studietimed+30min+clean-up.jpg]

[Image: wes+distant+studie.jpg]

good stuff

Welcome to the forums! You got some great stuff in here, keep us updated.
like the studies. good surface studies, reminds me of the scott robertson demos. Like the figure painting of the woman in color. amazing rendering

(03-25-2012, 05:57 AM)Dennis Kutsenko Wrote: Welcome to the forums! You got some great stuff in here, keep us updated.

thanks alot dennis i will keep em coming

there's alot of beasts in the making in here gotta step up my game :)
(03-25-2012, 06:27 AM)Jamesxwu Wrote: like the studies. good surface studies, reminds me of the scott robertson demos. Like the figure painting of the woman in color. amazing rendering

thanks James :)
(03-25-2012, 05:54 AM)brenthollowell Wrote: good stuff

Thanks alot brent, you got sum killler creatures man :D

Break from value studies to color studies :)
learn t METRIC FUCK TONNES about color mixing from these
ill try and finish the mushrooms coz their fun to paint.

[Image: mini+shrooom.jpg]

[Image: kung+fu+man.jpg]

[Image: hungar+iron+ring+study+small.jpg]

[Image: practical+application+of+HWTB!.jpg]

[Image: Earth+Moose.jpg]

[Image: snakezz.jpg]

[Image: Fire+Mooose.jpg]

[Image: water+moose.jpg]

[Image: Garus.jpg]

[Image: Variations+of+Moose.jpg]

[Image: Air+moose+&+ather+Moose.jpg]

[Image: Moose+Sketchyz.jpg]

[Image: IceTemple.jpg]

Still LIFE

[Image: still+life+001.png]

Been drawing a TONNE of Robots luv em :D

Its my next step out of the Scott Robertson Studies ive been doing
as soon as im confortable with my design lingo ill move on to loomis land
but for now i need to work on my big COLOR PROBLEM

Here a collection of whats worth showing (have tonnes more) some of these were done on Corel painter 12 which is freakin AWesOME!!!!!!!!

[Image: 008.jpg]

[Image: 00;k9.jpg]

[Image: 00;lljjbbk9.jpg]

[Image: 00;llk9.jpg]

[Image: 0h01_bak.jpg]

[Image: 00yu1_bak.jpg]

[Image: 0uguy1_bak.jpg]

[Image: 0ihy01_bak.jpg]

[Image: 009.jpg]

[Image: 011.jpg]

Scott Rob Studies

[Image: back+to+basic.jpg]

[Image: local+tones+and+halfway+to+black+version+2.jpg]

[Image: local+tones+lines.jpg]

[Image: more+hwtb+3.jpg]

[Image: 032.jpg]

[Image: 033.jpg]

[Image: 034.jpg]

[Image: 035.jpg]

[Image: 036.jpg]

[Image: 037.jpg]

[Image: 001.jpg]

[Image: apache+studdie.jpg]

[Image: 005.jpg]

[Image: DSCF0044.jpg]

[Image: DSCF0061.jpg]

[Image: DSCF0085.JPG]


[Image: 001.jpg]

[Image: 002.jpg]

I was watching scott robersons basic drawing DVD and he said when he was in school he was filling cheap sketchbooks with freehand lines from the elbow, this gives you confidence with your stoke instead of "petting" your lines. So i did i on both PhotoShop and cheap Wh smith paper



[Image: lines++full+3.jpg]

[Image: lines++full+2.jpg]

[Image: lines++full+1.jpg]

A really elegant sketchbook for sure!

Really kicking it here! I ike those value studies you've been doing

(06-23-2012, 09:25 PM)BrotherOstavia Wrote: A really elegant sketchbook for sure!

thanks man really appreciate it, coming from you
(06-23-2012, 10:45 PM)kidult Wrote: Really kicking it here! I ike those value studies you've been doing

thanks man :D
Stupid monster

been obsessed with HermanNG & Min yum's stuff latetly
He had legs but like a retard i lost the psd so here he is..

this is just the worst...

decided to start posting more often,
paintings arnt gonna share themselves

[Image: shit.jpg]

Very nice sketchbook there sir. The lines studies are intriguing, and I adore the basic shapes studies, specially the one with three values in it. Awesome.

Awesome stuff. keep it coming!
(06-24-2012, 01:00 PM)Ursula Dorada Wrote: Very nice sketchbook there sir. The lines studies are intriguing, and I adore the basic shapes studies, specially the one with three values in it. Awesome.

thanks alot :D ill do more

btw i dont use layers or blending modes for my shape studies, i paint every value.
(06-24-2012, 01:15 PM)Cricketts Wrote: Awesome stuff. keep it coming!
thanks will do

"Walking walkers are for walking"
just iterations for a peice im doing as much as i like designing as i paint an illustration some times ist better to plan it out and save yourself the eye cancer...


[Image: skeches%20for%20mule1.jpg]

[Image: skeches%20for%20mule2.jpg]

Another still life
this time using teh RGB sliders
which are fuckin AWESOME you can get soo many realistic minute color variations

Piece of folded Card 1hr
plastic shape 40min

[Image: still00z3.jpg]
[Image: still%20life%200r2.jpg]

Crazy stuff, are you lassoing out your shapes or something?

I love the basic design stuff, it looks great and the way you've been rendering form is awesome too.

keep it up.
(06-26-2012, 05:52 PM)dwalkerart Wrote: Crazy stuff, are you lassoing out your shapes or something?

I love the basic design stuff, it looks great and the way you've been rendering form is awesome too.

keep it up.

nope i paint my shapes freehand then
i use selections if the shape has any gradations
dont use any off photoshops blending modes, i paint all my values
i know i can use say multiply for cast shadows but i want to be deliberate with all my choices and not leave it to the software
mostly stick to 2 layers
(06-28-2012, 01:32 AM)iggytek Wrote:
(06-26-2012, 05:52 PM)dwalkerart Wrote: Crazy stuff, are you lassoing out your shapes or something?

I love the basic design stuff, it looks great and the way you've been rendering form is awesome too.

keep it up.

nope i paint my shapes freehand then
i use selections if the shape has any gradations
dont use any off photoshops blending modes, i paint all my values
i know i can use say multiply for cast shadows but i want to be deliberate with all my choices and not leave it to the software
mostly stick to 2 layers

thanks btw ill keep at it :)

Some Welding studies i did

Relised my robots laced
some authenticity so i made a brush that mimics TIG weldig , did studies
and made my own decal set which was fun

learnt tonnes :)

[Image: weld%20panel%20study.jpg]

litter bot

[Image: jfdjdfhj.jpg]

Good lookin work in here for sure Iggy.

That one monster with the scorpion like tail has some nice rendering just suffers a bit from a stiff pose. I've been having a similiar problem with my characters and one solution I found was to first establish what the character can be doing.

One way to do this is to come up with some ambiguous action phrases. For example if your character is a knight, you know they probably have a weapon of some sort, so you can write down something as simple as "swinging a sword" or "sheathing a sword" your mind will generate a ton of poses just from one little action phrase and then you can just sketch them out really quickly in a gesture like format. Anyway, it's a lot easier than just jumping right into painting a character/monster without any idea what you want the pose to be.

Might be a pretty obvious method, but it seems to be helping me a bit. Hope you can get something out of it, anyway keep up the great work.
Ughh, so much bad ass stuff here. Damn!

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