Reputation Report for Lunatique
(Dollar Store Dull Blade)

Total Reputation: 28

Reputation from Members: 0
Reputation from Posts: 28
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 7 0 0
All Time 28 0 0
Damien Levs ( 7 ) - Last updated 05-19-2024, 09:34 AM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in Sketchbook: Version 1.5

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Komodo ( 1 ) - Last updated 05-19-2024, 08:29 AM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in Need help to improve

Positive (+1): [No comment]
cgmythology ( 38 ) - Last updated 05-08-2024, 08:18 AM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in CGMythology's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
cgmythology ( 38 ) - Last updated 04-10-2024, 02:21 PM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in CGMythology's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Damien Levs ( 7 ) - Last updated 04-09-2024, 04:39 PM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in Lunatique's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
ThereIsNoJustice ( 14 ) - Last updated 04-09-2024, 02:31 PM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in Lunatique's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
krowuss ( 0 ) - Last updated 02-29-2024, 08:28 AM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in Lunatique's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
cgmythology ( 38 ) - Last updated 02-26-2024, 02:22 PM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in CGMythology's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
ThereIsNoJustice ( 14 ) - Last updated 02-20-2024, 09:44 AM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in CGMythology's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
cgmythology ( 38 ) - Last updated 02-18-2024, 12:20 AM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in CGMythology's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
schnee_s0up ( 1 ) - Last updated 02-09-2024, 05:37 AM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in Top 10 tips to becoming a better artist

Positive (+1): [No comment]
cgmythology ( 38 ) - Last updated 02-04-2024, 03:01 PM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in CGMythology's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Leysan ( 1 ) - Last updated 01-28-2024, 08:44 PM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in Digital Illustration Critique

Positive (+1): [No comment]
cgmythology ( 38 ) - Last updated 12-18-2023, 11:52 AM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in CGMythology's Sketchbook

Positive (+1): [No comment]
Pubic Enemy ( 69 ) - Last updated 12-07-2023, 12:01 AM
Rating given for Lunatique's post in Brush engines & other features

Positive (+1): [No comment]