My sketchbook (Piloreta)
Big Grin 
Man, I am very stupid. I just got all the links of my first pages of this sketchbook from my Facebook chat so, yeah, the links were all broken and they are not being shown here anymore. So I decided to delete all those broken posts and, from now own, I will post stuff on Tumblr to get the links to post in here. That way I won't have broken images anymore.

I'm sorry for that and I hope you understand :(

Let's make many pages!!!! YEHA

(I'll slowly repost my previous stuff, because I am usually busy)

[Image: tumblr_oh5ttfGaSn1va53wto1_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_oh5ttfGaSn1va53wto2_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_oh5ttfGaSn1va53wto3_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_oh5ttfGaSn1va53wto4_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_oh5ttfGaSn1va53wto5_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_oh5ttfGaSn1va53wto6_1280.jpg][Image: 15109449_1683054292005925_36726125586879...e=58C555F2][Image: tumblr_oh9988PdUN1va53wto1_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_oh9988PdUN1va53wto3_1280.jpg]
Hey, welcome to CD!

Those hand studies are nice. :D

(11-17-2016, 07:32 AM)Archreux Wrote: Hey, welcome to CD!

Those hand studies are nice. :D

Hey, thanks a lot!! :D Hands are a very interesting thing. It is amazing how volatile they are, yet their structure seems to be so rigid.
Welcome from me as well, Piloreta.

Great start to this SB. I'm fond of your tendency to work both construction + perspective, and then see what the masters are doing with those things.

Inspiring already, I hope to see you continue!

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
(11-19-2016, 02:34 AM)Einver Wrote: Welcome from me as well, Piloreta.

Great start to this SB. I'm fond of your tendency to work both construction + perspective, and then see what the masters are doing with those things.

Inspiring already, I hope to see you continue!

Thanks a lot, dude! I'm focusing a lot in structure because I think that is the main problem on my paintings... Perspective is extremely tricky and can be amazing if you know how to use it in order to make your stuff more three-dimentional... I find it easier to understand anatomy or stuff in general when I simplify them on forms that I can build with, like lego! LOL

Krenz Cushart is very inspiring to me in that point... His construction skills are MAD
Well those perspective studies look good, cant wait to see how it helps your paintings o:
(11-19-2016, 01:20 PM)JeyRam Wrote: Well those perspective studies look good, cant wait to see how it helps your paintings
I am hoping to be able to create cool sketches with less struggle, so I can latter just have to worry about rendering. I get very stuck on the early stage
Aw man, all my other images are missing... Because I got their URL from my facebook chat. God damn it!

Now I'm dumping my sketches on my Google Drive, so I guess that kind of problem won't happen again...

Here there is some random perspective impressions:

[Image: r_JkMJRT19oHx7wtrApwqW507pGmXKjyTobK9hDL...7-h1009-no][Image: IWh6GLUNe7Hg5K58HHgac-yCQ5A0UaG3G4vVteYp...7-h1009-no]

This above was me doodling on the subway yesterday. Here, more bridgeman studies, and the last drawings are hands created by me in order to apply what I have learned.

[Image: 5omcyS_CJxCMk6w9gD0GKRICQRh1w3AV4ZdeAQWK...1-h1009-no]
[Image: sQjEW27IR6ciuUqXYtaIuNoo-QDmr46OJLv4bdZm...1-h1009-no][Image: hgNv0jowd8U0Wh5MnjqIDvekYO_AZC5B2yTreJyX...1-h1009-no]

I also did a study of a suicide squad scene that I liked visually.

[Image: cSmrodNiim1fSWC30cDYcyvBMZMMc8mouBaZ8lvo...8-h1010-no]

Lastly... A sketch I did almost everything from imagination, I just searched for reference for the face. I tried not to use it, because I wanted to see how far I could go with what I have been learning. Tried to apply the lighting I saw on the Suicide Squad frame.

[Image: yyj3WL5EpB0yOjA7GD_GjwvR9-xVOUGhCvTMlFOp...7-h1009-no]

AAAAAAAAAAAWWWW MAN, I'm too tired right now. I need to rest! Have a good night, guys.
Sorry once again for my missing images, guys. :/

Here there are some drawings from a model at school:
[Image: tumblr_oh4ectmAdN1va53wto2_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_oh4ectmAdN1va53wto5_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_oh4ectmAdN1va53wto4_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_oh4ectmAdN1va53wto1_1280.jpg]More bridgeman stuff and maybe some random hands from my mind:
[Image: tumblr_oh4ectmAdN1va53wto6_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_oh4ectmAdN1va53wto3_1280.jpg]

Did a still life to practice materials, but I really feel I did not finish everything I could, I have forgotten to put the occlusion shadows in some parts of this, for example... I was a little bit tired of it. I looked at it for at least for more than 4 hours, so I know I have learned a lot with this anyways. I'll try to apply what I did on this painting on a sketch I'll start right now. I'll post it here as soon as it is possible.

[Image: tumblr_oh4dv3jhVV1va53wto1_1280.png]
Hey there! I did some random sketches at my classroom and some thoughts about perspective... The most stupid ones are from imagination and are very ugly, because I did them in a hurry.

[Image: tumblr_oh87cyNXhV1va53wto1_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_oh87cyNXhV1va53wto2_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_oh87cyNXhV1va53wto3_1280.jpg]

Also, I have done more (TADAH) bridgeman hands.

[Image: tumblr_oh9988PdUN1va53wto4_1280.jpg]

And I did this sketch too to see if I could apply some stuff about materials I have been studying.

[Image: tumblr_oh991q0tVP1va53wto1_1280.jpg]
Hello there, Piloreta. I think you do some things well like hands, some faces and overall lineweight. I'd reccomend you work on legs because if you drew the guy on the right and this character without clothes, their legs probably wouldn't work hehe. But since you have bridgeman, it'd probably be good to look at the calf muscles and just practice drawing legs that are balancing themselves and holding down three dimensional space well

Cheerz <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(12-04-2016, 01:15 AM)Fedodika Wrote: Hello there, Piloreta. I think you do some things well like hands, some faces and overall lineweight. I'd reccomend you work on legs because if you drew the guy on the right and this character without clothes, their legs probably wouldn't work hehe. But since you have bridgeman, it'd probably be good to look at the calf muscles and just practice drawing legs that are balancing themselves and holding down three dimensional space well

Cheerz <3

Thanks for the feedback, my friend. I totally agree with you... I'm reading Bridgeman calmly, so I will still take a while  to get into the leg anatomy, but I will make sure to observe more people's legs... Recently I understood some stuff about space, and I am trying to apply it in my new drawings I have been doing. I'll make sure to improve on that! Thanks.


Hey. I have been through some personal stuff shit, so I wasn't able to post stuff for ya. I'm also quite lazy and without a good amount of time to gather all my pen drawings I did these days... But I can share a ongoing fanart of Black Rock Shooter I am making. Also, I did this background study that I am going to try to apply to my fanart...

Lots of work I will have to put on this... I feel very challenged by BG, some illustrators have already said to me that I have to focus more on the background of my finalized works... And that is true. I want to finish this fanart, so I won't give up this time!

[Image: tumblr_ohn18eeNDC1va53wto1_1280.png][Image: tumblr_ohn18uBEah1va53wto1_1280.jpg]

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