Jones Sketchbook
Alright thanks!, I'll starting tackling those books soon. Figure drawing for all its worth sounds like it could be very helpful for my anatomy. Also my gestures, Thanks for explaining that, I was a little unsure on how I was supposed to be doing them. I'll start what you said, It'll probably take awhile to get used to doing it that way.


Smallll update art today unfortunately :(. I spent the day changing my room up to better suit my needs. Also searching for a corner table/desk. My table would be fine, but I need to use my tv as a second monitor because my laptop screen is too small for reference images and painting(it's a real pain in the ass how it is now).

Planning on doing some life nature studies from my window view as well with this new set up. Got some sketches done tonight, and added values to the one. I like it, well the idea of what it can become(criminally insane guy in a straight jacket with grotesque bulging eyes). Hope I can make it a nice finished painting. Rendering is one thing I don't completely understand yet. Starting on those books soon to.

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Pretty decent day. started with examples from Andrew Loomis figure drawing (read up to the first examples last night) after I did some ultra quick sketches, just to try and get the studies to stick and see if I understood the body a bit better. Also trying to work on my lines, gotta get more confident strokes.

Then I started a drawing on my livestream (first time on livestream). Spent about an hour and 40 minutes. still gotta work on it. But I'm pretty tired early tonight. Either gotta define the face better, or leave the lines.

Update - heres a video of the drawing/painting still a lot of work on it though, wanna make it nice.

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Today's work, Eye brow studies then worked on the portrait. I was gonna take the rest of the day off, But I decided to push myself. Tried a mech for the first time, and had a lot of fun doing it. I've always mainly just drawn portraits and I guess I was getting bored of that. Pumped up for art again!

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Not a very good day, got up late and didn't get anything new done. Still working but I've lost steam today. was pumped for today to );

anyway... some sketches I did before bed, and updated mech today.

Just not feeling it today though. Might switch over to my sketchbook and just draw in there instead.

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Well, Went out for a walk and when I got home I decided that I might as well push the Mech further if I can't get into anything new. This is the final update on it, I think.

Update - It was looking really fleshed out, so I went and turned the contrast up a bit. I think I'll leave this now. Gotta use the art of letting go lol.

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Studies from figure drawing, trying to work on my strokes, getting a little better, but I go over my previous one several times trying to get it all right. Then a drawing from memory I'm gonna work on later.
kind of messed up my schedule, I got to get a healthier system going. I'll still be working on art daily.

Also want to to get more pages of that figure drawing book done a day, not so much though that it wont stick.

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great work! keep it up with the studies!
I got to get on a schedule, studies for this amount of time, personal for this amount etc. Need to set some time aside for doing other things as well.

Anyway, some sketches, my male form seems to be getting better. also a messy screenshot study. Screenshot study was the first time I've blocked in to start off, I usually do a sketch. Could have worked on it a lot more, but felt I had already spent too much.
Also eventually want to learn how to start off like a lot of others I see, just with values and some sketch lines, they sorta just develop what they see in it. But I think mostly experienced do that.

I have a lot of idea's and interests I want to draw/paint, but the only thing stopping me is I don't have the knowledge of how to draw/paint a lot of these things. Gotta get going on more specific studies like armor, been wanting to do some knight fantasy type stuff.

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Put in some armor studies, 40 minutes each, went ok. After tried a knight sketch, but quickly realised I don't really understand how armor works. Gotta get onto drawing pieces of armor, studying how corners are. how pieces connect etc.

Also some mech sketches from tonight. not sure which I'll go with. Still have a lot of technical things I have to learn, but I'm trying to develop idea's and put them down.

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Nice work dude! Can really see you begin to push it now, keep up the pace! That mech/human thing that you refined a lot came out pretty well to.

Hello, Few days since I posted unfortunately. Did not get around to much art. Mostly sketches in my sketchbook.

Been into a Giant theme, I want to do a full illustration type thing. so these are ideas, seeing what I like. So far I'm thinking big, bulky human type guys, with rough/hard skin. Some helmet idea's there to. Also for some reason I thought they would bath/loungein lava tubs, that's what that hut thing is on the mountain.

Also some armor studies I did today, studying how it works. Seem's a lot of armor is like overlaying panels to allow movement.

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Today's work. Did a bit more on the one giant, and started painting another one from a pencil sketch I had previously done, I need to keep on reading that Loomis figure book, I think it has perspective and stuff in there. Had a bit of trouble starting it off in that angled pose. worked on it in 75 res the whole time I noticed after, idk but I don't like working in lower resolution just because I have less options with it after I guess.

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definitely seeing some improvements in the last few posts

however, imho, i don't think you should jump into textures too early.
just try to use a small and hard edged brush for reflections?

keep it up!
hey man keep going you are on the right track here!

Hey thanks guys, I'll try focusing more on basic brushes.


I was on a bit of a roll last week, but thing's have gone downhill, I keep procrastinating - basically just wasting time with random stuff. - ie looking at my daily news websites, and gaming news (even though I don't play games much any more lol, Still like them though)

Gotta learn better self discipline if I'm going to be doing this, one of my goals for awhile has been to get on a better sleeping schedule as I find I can get more done in the day usually.

Anyway - heres the next page out of the Andrew loomis figure book. And if anyone can give me tip's on getting onto a better schedule/better self discpline please share them!

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Got up earlier, and got a lot more done!

Hand studies, clown sketch, some rabits with mcdonalds still want to finish it.
two last ones are covers, They told me what they wanted, and watched me livestream them. First is for my friend Niko's song, and the second is for my buddy Tommies mixtape cover. We were on a tight schedule so when i had issues with the head and legs/shoes from behind I just traced those parts quick (he gave me a reference photo he took) Hopefully figure studies book will have perspective from behind as well, need to clearly learn that.

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Nothin to say aside from a lot of live streaming lately, helps me keep motivated it seems. Finished rabbits and started a samurai type guy, don't dig the spacey warrior thing going on though. so will probably change that.

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Nice Jones, already getting so much better with those studies! Keep it up, even drawing those lonely nights listening to the rain. Haha.
Dennis - haha, yeah drawing alone on those dreary nights listenin to the rain!


Got a few livestream viewers today, helped keep me on track that's for sure. Nearly painted on there all day.

A study, the samurai revised - and a random one to end off with.

[Image: Samurai1.png]

[Image: monsterdesert.png]

Process's over here -

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Very slow day - was quite tired from the past two days, was to ambitious I think. I enjoyed painting for 7 hours yesterday but I think it was too much. Gotta slowly get into a good pace and increase the time. Just felt my creative energy wasn't there today.

I find I'm not using a lot of what digital painting has to offer, I've only just recently started using clipping layers (awesome feature), and hardly use color adjustments - is it OK to use those kind of features or is it considered sort of 'cheating' when you're learning?

Also haven't been feeling very satisfied with what I'm creating lately - Looked back a bit and it's a lot better then it was I think, but still. I have issues pin pointing certain things - if anyone see's anything standing out to them please share!

Hand drawings from reference, then a few hours later hands from memory. Also a lame sketch I did tonight, tried to do it a bit differently.

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