Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
@ Kaiko: Thanks very much! Balance is very important and as you said, a good body awareness really helps when doing poses. I sometimes try out poses when doing full illustrations to get a better feel for it. Should be more mindful in my sketching of balance too!

Very quick photo study

Using our gamemaster as live reference during my last RPG session. In reality he doesn´t look that grumpy :)

Quick photo study for rim light studying



Some filler illustrations for the undead book I´m working for. I was told to keep it very loose and sketchy with minimal shading.

Study and sketch. Guess that beggar king begs to be painted....

Been away for the weekend and did some plein air speedpainting with my wacom companion. Wasn´t an easy task. The only possibility to sit had this awful full frontal composition and it was freezing. Also the lighting conditions were terrible. All just clouded diffused lighting, but light enough to cast reflections on my tablet. Even though, it was an interesting experience. The place is called Schattenburg, which translates literally to shadow castle.

The pencils are an extension for the beggar king sketch. I imagined, what world he would live in and came up with a sort of hobo postapocalyptic/fantasy world. So I extended that with two more characters.

Study and sketches. The study´s purpose was to get cloth folds, portrait painting in a diffused light setting. And I´m quite satisfied with the sketches.

Here´s something interesting from the youtube channel veritassium to consider when learning. The science of thinking (and learning): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBVV8pch1dM For anyone who wasn´t aware of what happens when you do studies in sort of automode, mindlessly copying. It is also nice to use to broaden your knowledge when you don´t know what to learn next. Just consider anything you shy away from or don´t like doing. That is the thing to draw to learn something. Hope this is helpful to anyone.

Not fully polished study of a Triss Merrigold cosplayer, trying to not do a 100% copy,but to use the reference as guideline. Changed the handgesture and the face  a bit

Sketching some mythical beings. Somehow sketching lately feels quite flowey...Kind of a weird feeling, as if the pencil guides itself, but lots of fun!


I took another character pencil sketch and made a painting out of it. Just a character showcase this time, no backgrounds



Next attempt at oil painting. Unusual subject of hay making as it is also a gift for my granny (she  grew up on a farm). Not too satisfied with this though...


Hmm. maybe a clothe study for pants might be good? the wrinkles on the pants seem to be wrinkles for the sake of wrinkle, not because they're wrapped around form, or follow any consistent pattern. comes from "zooming-in" too much and hyper focusing on specific parts as oppose to the whole I think. (Appears also, Its not always a problem, on some, like the one above, its fine) just a few here there.

Been a while since I checked up on you mate! Looking solid. Def see some solid gains! going through your sketchpad makes me wanna bust out my pencils and rock that traditional! ^_^

@Heliux: Thanks very much for your input! Sometimes I just don´t take much care in the foldwork and neglect the fold"rules" a bit...sorry, I´ll try to be more mindful of it (they do look awful sometimes..). Folds are actually quite simple. Just know where your point of attachment is and where the cloth pinches... just have to follow that rule, lazy me.

Been taking a few days off of sketching due to client work. Back in the saddle again...



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