Concept art school in Seattle Area
Hey everyone! 
I just wanted to spread the word about a new concept art school in Redmond, Washington (near Seattle).

I'll be taking the character design class with Paul Richards starting in May. They also have a digital painting class with Thomas Scholes, a hard surface design class with David Heidhoff, and a figure drawing class with Naomi Baker.

They'll also be having workshops with art director Sparth, and concept artist Kory Hubbell soon. I'm really excited for this school since there aren't that many opportunities in the Seattle area to learn from industry artists (especially after Futurepoly closed down).

Yeah! I attended a mini-workshop with Scholes last year at a Georgetown coffee shop. Even though his style is not something I want to emulate he had really insightful information on presentation/design techniques and just freelancing in general.



Dagger SB

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