updated my tablet and this happened
oh my i updated my tablet driver and all of a sudden this happened when i launched photoshop it also put the entire image on tilt and if i put the pen near the tablet it will open my brush selection every like 5 seconds

i have an intuos5 and windows vista

if anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated

[Image: wtfismytabletdoing.jpg]
do you have a touch function on your tablet? make sure it is off.
other than that, which driver did you intall? the newest one from the official wacom site (if you have a wacom) should do fine, otherwise try install an older one...

other than that, no ideas. restart pc. plug tablet in and out.. well... I am not really a technical person..

Yeah, try removing the drivers and reinstalling with ones from the wacom website.

fixed thanks all
What did you do to fix it?
Reinstalled the drivers?
It maybe can help others in the future.

ya i just reinstalled the software i got with the tablet

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