Hello everyone
My name is Marcin, I'm 17 years old and I live in Warsaw, Poland.
I like drawing a lot ( maybe my works aren't very good, but everyday I trying to improve my skills) and I also want start creating cool stuff on tablet.
So I came here to learn, learn and learn from you how to create cool artworks :D

My scanner is dead , I can buy next until November, so then I upload my traditional works.
Here is my only digital WIP, Liara T'soni
[Image: 223942_508110242550598_940441659_n.jpg]

Sorry If I'll make/ I made mistakes in English, I'm self-taught. o_^ (reason: low level teachin' in school)
Hey Marcin, welcome to the forums! Nice picture of Liara!

Don't forget to head over to the sketchbook section and open your own thread :}

Hi Marcin, Nice drawing but you can improve your drawing. If you edit in mouth section. It would be very beautiful..!!
I'm still workin' on this, but lately I didn't have much time to do this, because my high school :)
But thanks, I'm glad you like it :D
Welcome to the community and that is a very nice picture of Liara and hope to see what it looks like when your done

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