Mythtaken and his training collage
great stuff dude!!!

Thank you!

been trying so many versions of this one for two days... getting sick of it so i'll just leave it be.. is the latest version

Looking at that piece now is making me realize that the shot is dead on, no interesting camera angle at all, gonna do some thumbnails to fix the issue

aaah practicing practicing, had to finish it today, been procrastinating this image for too long. a few minor details and some edge work before it's 100% done, but i'll let you see it anyway

Not so fantastic color sketch, was fun. I wish to get better at starting with colors, though i'm having a hard time with it..

Been way too long since i posted anything, though i haven't been lazy, I've just had so much to do so i forgot to post, well, here's a sketch from tonight. Trying to practice my overall design skills, quite hard :/

A few heads..

mmm done for the CG hub creature forge #66, gelatinous ghost. About when i was done with it, I had a moment of revelation, that I over-complicate things, did some analyzing of my previous works and came to that conclusion. So I've started to beat in to my head that I need to simplify my designs and not really over-think. Well anyway, here it is.

This is a current creature design I'm working on, personal piece. Got some of my ideas down, like the rim lights etc. Just finished some basic coloring on top of a grayscale sketch, next step is to paint opaquely on top of it all

this SB is awesome!
The gelatinous ghost concept is pretty cool too.

wow the illusion of texture is really well done in these. Maybe a little more natural blacks, or stronger contrast from the dark value range? But then again I've been told I need to work on my values.
Oh wow, love the jello ghost :O

Wow, thank you guys! I'm thrilled that you enjoy the latest ones, because that's the ones that I've been practicing some new techniques :D

Here's a few sketches before bed, kind of like the green/purple knight dude

wow this is the first time I've looked through this thread and its awesome how I can see you getting better! I really like the beautiful skeleton-faced creature with the rim light.
About 95% done, just some minor adjustments and edges that must be fixed, other than that, here it is. It's for a portfolio piece, gonna do 2 more "cards" of this character, but more advanced and with waaaay more magic effect :D

Kickin off the new year with some speed sketch

Awesome work Mythtaken! The speed sketch looks great, you should totally finish it =D.
How long did you spend on the speed paint?
Liking the whale tail faced chaos death dealer :-)

(01-02-2013, 02:45 PM)TwistedOff Wrote: How long did you spend on the speed paint?

It took about 30-45 min

Thanks for the comments guys :)


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