Portfolio Class- Character Development!
Yo guys! :)

Just watched Dan's last stream on youtube... precious tips there.

Its also nice to see how everyone turn around the tips and apply them.

I just started Mordred this afternoon, and as I'm a little late, I already made the pose decision, so, if you could point out any (specially anatomy) problems, I would appreciate. The colors can change in the future :P

God, I need to improve more this year. I'm planning on following a schedule again. I did it for some time, then dropped, and now I rarely sit my butt in the chair and paint, argh. Looking everyone's progress is a great source of inspiration, thanks everyone for the honor :)

Well, here's my indian Mordred sketch.

[Image: 19_01_13_indian_mordred_wip_by_mateusrocha-d5s191b.jpg]

Also, when is the deadline for the mentorship?


sicky updates peeps! heres where im at with mordred and after some gnar gnar crits on my arthur i made some changes

[Image: arthur3_zps23b58455.jpg]

[Image: Mordred_zps3b725864.jpg]

got some more crits on arthur figure id post it blech

[Image: arthur3_zps6e889010.jpg]
Looks sick PTimm, nice job.
Still a work in progress, obviously. The helmet needs some change, too much gold on gold I feel. Also, I'm not using rim light!! INSANITY. Sorry that it's taking so long

[Image: ddcolour4-2.jpg?t=1358708365]
Looking sweet thomas. The rendering on the face and the shoulder is looking great. I dno, maybe the hair could do with some movement, given how crazy that ribbon's going, but other than that, looking good.

So, this is where I'm at. Cheers to everyone for the feedback, Deerandfox that pose helped a lot, thank you! Think it works a bit better now. Who knows?

[Image: file-2245.jpg]

Great work everyone! great progress!
Im a bit behind and need to work a lot more on my Mordred... so, I will post it a bit later... hope to get it on time for the stream :S

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well, im still sick and ive lost my voice. the good news is, it looks like most of you are a little behind and still have more work to do. so get on it! ill stream when the voice comes back.
Ok, this is where I'm at right now. It's still very rough in some places, but Im working on it. I didn't like how it was looking with the blue colors... I felt something was missing, so I decided to use another colors... what do you think?

Hope you get better soon Dan!

[Image: MordredWIP_zpsdb428505-1_zps0af6b5dc.jpg]

También se habla español!
Hey guys,

Good work everyone!
Im not gonna make it, had a ruff day so i couldt finish Mordred in time.
It's still a WIP, The few things left to do: Finish the light and shadows, add a background.

Anyways, here's what i've got so far.

[Image: WIP.jpg]


**get well soon Dan
Hey guys,

So here's my finished Mordred piece.
I'm really happy with my end result :D

[Image: 32.jpg]

I also made a "game logo" for the pieces so that i can combine them all 4 as a final presentation piece.
Stay tuned.
Yoo :)

Hey Malan, the only disturbing thing I see in yours now is that glowing purple in his leg... ?

@Erik, you've chosen some nice colors, I really liked the bamboo feeling you gave the armor. It also looks golden, but for me, I can imagine a bamboo armor from that xD which is awesome. The only thing I would keep in mind is that tail, seems strange to me at least.

I've worked a little in my Mordred, but overall I'm not satisfied with him. Maybe I'll do it all over again from scratch.

[Image: 21_01_13_indian_mordred_wip2_by_mateusrocha-d5safxk.jpg]

@Mateusrocha Thanks for the feedback, his armor is worn out dirty gold :) absolutely no bamboo.
about the tail, it's to lead the viewers eyes back to the piece. Maybe i should darken it more.....
^ Tail is been darkened, looks better and give's it more dept.

Here's the "game logo" i made:

[Image: Logo.jpg]

Made of Arthur and Mordred chest armors signs.

All the characters together:
[Image: Presentation.jpg]
So, I changed it. Way happier with it now, feel like I'm making some headway. Just gotta bring it all to a finish now.

[Image: file-688.jpg]

Keep it coming guys.

Erik, awesome work btw, they make a sweet set :)

Im gonna go ahead and require EVERYONE to do what Erik did. great idea. when youre done with the first 3 (you all should be by now)- line them up on a dark background together. when your mordred is ready or close to ready (he should be by now) place him last. in chronological order- Arthur, Merlin, Morgane, Mordred. I wanna see those! im feeling better and should get to streaming as soon as tomorrow for mordred crits. LINE EM UP- were in the home stretch. for those of you (Ptimm) who did illustrations- I still wanna see them lined up. just shop them together side by side, and dont worry about a uniform bg color or anything. it makes it MUCH easier for me to review them all as one jpeg than to hunt everything down.

Great work everyone-especially thomas and erik on this last round.

Thomas- killin it with the new approach, it deserves more exploration!
Erik- I know that mordred crit got rough, you handled it like a pro! awesome execution on the changes, its one of your strongest as a result!
Changed few small things on Mordred
[Image: 019beu.jpg]

and all four in one pic
[Image: 020gak.jpg]

@JakeB Thanks for the compliment :) keep rocking your Mordred!

@DanWarren Thanks for the kind words and the motivation :)

@Tadas, you're set looks awesome! If you have your characters layers separated from the background you can easily put one big background in the set. but that's also a personal choice offcourse :)
Whoooa! It looks so nice with every character lined up (((:

I've been struggling with my Mordred. Done some sketches, and I think I'll paint the middle bottom one.

[Image: 24_01_13_indian_mordred_rough_sketches_b...5slgse.jpg]

[Image: montage_zpsd88a13ad.jpg]

takin the plunge

edit: could not for the life of me figure out how to get my image bigger so here they are separately so u can actually see whats going on

[Image: arthur_zps25b05262.jpg]

[Image: merlin_zpsa1d13aa2.jpg]

[Image: morgan_zpsdc0f4e11.jpg]

[Image: mordred_zpsaf1edb6e.jpg]
my mordred still isnt finished. needs a lot of work, tried to make it presentable for the stream though :( and because morgana's and mordreds backgrounds are so different and they have lighting effects on them, it'll be weird if i cut them out

[Image: ddcolour6-1.jpg?t=1359609395]
[Image: combo.jpg]
Ok, so here's my final Mordred... I can't believe how slow I am haha, but I hope I get better at that some day :)

I will post my complete set a bit later. I have to edit the pics and everything :)
Cheers friends!

[Image: mordred50.jpg]

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