Sketchin sketchin sketchin.

Playing around with landscapes and compositions. I have a bunch of separate scinerios for this piece. Just keeping it loose until something really jumps out to me.
[Image: Monster_Sketch_Feb_11_3012.png]
[Image: Lava_Sketch_Feb_11_2013.png]

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Few more composition sketches.
[Image: Monster_Sketch_Feb_12_3012.png]
[Image: Monster_Sketch_2_Feb_12_2013.png]
[Image: Monster_Sketch_3_Feb_12_2013.png]

I like the 3rd one, probably going with something similar to that.

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Here it is, the first pass at this one. I've gotten it to a decent point. Haven't spent long on the big guy yet, most of the detail is on everything else. So next update will have more on him, just need to put the piece down for a day. Might change some of the composition around too. We'll see!
[Image: Giant.png]

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hey Chris.. I just took a quick glance at this I am currently on the move. you may want to turn the big guys head so he's facing the people that way you complete the composition... you are going to want to try to avoid directing the focus of the page which is head is currently doing. it's acting like a big arrow that goes off p

the concept looks really good though. I can't wait to see what else to do the guy I love the fact that is so it breaks the page just makes them feel huge.

@Tyler, thanks man. Yeah you're right. I tried to turn the head, but I think I still need to turn it a bit more. Still a wip of course.

Small update, changed the bg pushing stuff back, and altered the face a bit... probably going to move it again though.
[Image: Giant-1.png]

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I think I'll call this one done. Spent so much time on it, now it's time to go to the next piece. Or perhaps finish up that Zelda one from January.
[Image: Giant-2.png]

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I never really get into Sci-Fi stuff, so heres some robot dudes. I'm going to render up 3 and put that into my portfolio, then I'll finally pick up my Zelda piece! Wooo-
[Image: Robos_Round_1_Feb_21_2013.png]

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So I started to render out one of the 2 guys I liked, and I realized I knew like next to nothing about robot design and even the materials I wanted to use. So I cleaned up the line work on the left guy, who is the one I'll fully render, maybe do a turn around sheet of. Now I'll do some studies! Metal, machinery, tech. All that stuff. And hopefully that'll help when I later come back to render out the materials.

[Image: Robos_2.png]

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I did a few material studies from different robots and such, just trying to get use to painting that sort of non reflective metal, also the reflective kind. All kinds really. And a movie study from a nice shot of Real Steel! Plus an updated version of one of the 2 guys I'll be rendering out! Wooooo
[Image: Robot_Studies_Feb_23_2013.png]
[Image: Real-Steel_Study_Feb_26_2013.png]
[Image: Robo_Design_2.png]

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Here is the finished first robot dude. He was my favorite of the 6 original designs, and I'm pretty happy with how he came out! Woo, my first robot design like ever!
[Image: Robo_1_Rendered.png]

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Finished up the other Robot.
[Image: Robo_2_rendered.png]

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Wanted to do some quick environments. And so I did! I'll do a few more in the next couple days, then some anatomy stuff along side that.
[Image: Cloudy_Hill_Mar_5_2013.png]

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Ok, so more environments for everyone today. It's helping with shape and color, so boo ya!
[Image: Day2_enviroments.png]

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Woo hoo, sci fi dudes for Bloodsports 13! Going to do a lot more sketches and studies, I want to really just kick the shit out of this bloodsport!

[Image: Future_Dudes_1_March_7_2013.png]

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A few concepts for costume design for a lead female time traveler.
[Image: Female_Time_March_8_2013.png]

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More work for the Bloodsports. Got the costume for the hero pretty much down. Some environments, just playing with the feel of things. And sketches practicing some Frazetta style stuff.
[Image: Character_Design.png]
[Image: Future_Landscapes.png]
[Image: Past_Landscapes.png]
[Image: Sketches_mar_17_2013.png]

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Zes! Those sketches are killer! I love the T-Rex some solid pencil work there :) And those enviroments! So rich and colorful. I can't wait to see what else you do!

@Tyler thanks man, trying out some composition sketches as we speak.

Some poses and sketches. Next I'll post compositions.
[Image: Sketches_March_18_2013.png]

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More composition and poses from the ole sketchbook.
[Image: Dino_Sketches_2.png]

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Here are the 3 different compositions I've been getting to. All my ideas lead to these. Hopefully they read as well as I think they do.

[Image: Compositions.png]

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