Bloodsports #5: Princess Mononoke
Hi all,

Here are some comp thumbnail sketches I did earlier today. Sadly I was very ill over the weekend and couldn't work on Saturday or Sunday, so I know how fast the clock is ticking.

Please let me know which one you like best, or if you have any suggestions. A lot of people liked #2 but suggested I flip the Nightwalker, hence #4. I think I'll be going with that one, though I think #1 conveys a certain emotion I feel the others kind of lack.

[Image: n2g687.jpg]

Hope y'all dig what I've done thus far :)

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Crimson Guardians group work thread
My eye went right for # 1 dude i like how the ghosts/spirits lead your eye up to the wolf and the wolf back down to the boys face, Id rock that comp out! it looks like the foundation is nearly done ! I can see the environment too! just that it seems a little over taken but once u detail it out that shouldnt matter ! Dave was saying in one of the streams that the way they lit characters with the light through the leaves would be perfect for this !!!

"When we first meet people we see shallows, there after fathoms"
I felt the same way, Joe. Though I already started to render the 4th one, simply because there was a greater consensus for it and I'm so short on time at this point. I'm having some trouble with the archery pose, which I'll have to redo, but the face and mask are getting rendered.

Here's what I've done so far: [Image: sxgf2v.jpg]

And here's a cool crit Tyler Donnelly gave me, which was wicked awesome of him :)

[Image: 34xoync.jpg]

I might come back to #1. Depends how much feedback is in favor of #1 over #4.

[Image: 2c0cw8.jpg]
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Crimson Guardians group work thread
Took some of the advice Tyler gave me and here's where I'm at thus far. Not necessarily finished by any means, just wanted to take some time to slap some colors on to get an idea of where I wanted to go with this. AND I tweaked the wolves a tad, getting them ready for some paintin'.

Also I wanted to make her seem like more of a projection/apparition, and more "princess-y" as well. Hence why she's all glowy :3

[Image: 103gbr7.jpg]

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Crimson Guardians group work thread

"When we first meet people we see shallows, there after fathoms"
Thanks :) More to come later tonight :D

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Crimson Guardians group work thread
Ugh, getting very sick twice in two weeks has totally thrown me off schedule. Looks like I'm not going to be able to make the deadline....... DAMN YOUS FLU AND FOOD POISONING!!!!!! But I learned lots about my shortcomings and things I need to work harder on/study more, so I'm going to keep working on this, even well past the deadline, to finish it and try and get a crit on it at some point.

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Crimson Guardians group work thread

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