Hey Buddy!
Hey! Name's Manuel, 23, Italian (but spending more than half of the year in London).
To be honest, i come here since during this hot italian summer i felt so kinda alone digging my shiet : ) Until last night a good friend of mine sent me here and i felt this community was absolutely great. So here i am!
I also saw some interviews made by you guys on youtube, 1:20 hr of discussion with this german artist, simply awesome. Sounds like a serious creative social network!
I started studing Sculpture in Milan, then the past year I came to London to Middlesex University, Illustration. That was fun, until i ran out of money (9000£ fees per year), so i said myself "you can stay but let's gotta go".
I'm working for myself now, trying to build an interesting portfolio to submit when i go back to London in Sept/October. I wanna be paid.

Talking strictly about me, i'm a drummer, i love videogames, i feel very social and try my best to be open minded, even in the weirdiest situations. I desire so much to find people who love doing what they do (painting, living and stuff) and create a game or something pragmatic to work with.

I'm into history of art and Tutorials a LOT and my fav artist right now is Vincent Desiderio and a student of him Donato Giancola (magic the gathering painter).
Also Sergey Kolesov is one of the best of the best for me.

Hope you didn't get bored, time to sneak into every exiting thread. Cheers guys!
Hey Manuel, welcome to the daggers!

Great that your friend introduced you to us!
It really is a great community, full of hardworking, inspiring people - I'm glad you managed to watch a couple of the interviews as well :)

Ooh, a sculptor - I'm looking forward to checking out your work already!
Looking at your interests, you'll fit right in like maple syrup on pancakes :3 haha

Wow, Desiderio and Giancola's work is bloody awesome! Thanks for mentioning them!
And oh my goodness yes, I'm in love with Sergey's art... definitely in my top 5!

I wasn't bored! I love reading about people's backgrounds, interests and the like.

Hope you enjoy your stay, Manuel! :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
That welcome is big as house to me, thank you soo so much! : )


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