My Sketchy
Moving away from CA I guess, haven't found it very great. You need to update your thread too much in order to get anyone to reply to your thread. Anyway, got interested in this forum from the youtube video interview stuff they make. So here are some thumbnails I made a while back. I've been doing a lot of perspective/vehicle sketching since then but I don't have a scanner for them.

I will hopefully be adding some 3d stuff here as well. School is starting up so I will be more sleep deprived than usual.

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Something I did in about an hour and a half I guesssss? Just lots of playing mostly. Learned a few things about my brushes. Hopefully this leads to being faster. Needless to say this is my dino bug thing in armour...Scales are a bitch to render. Mainly what took up my time figuring out XD

- Huh, image quality is a bit bad. I should have saved it at a higher setting. Oh well.

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Whoa whoa whoa!
How have I not seen this sketchy before?!

Absolutely love those last two thumbnails and that sketch above is fricking cool!
Would love to see some 3d work and what you've cooked up when you get a working scanner (or working camera/camera phone ;))

Looking forward to more!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Just some thumbnails I made. Looking for critique and is also posted in the critique forum.

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[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1837968&d=1380435132]

Some further rendering and such based on comments from the critique forum. - I think shrinking it in photoshop caused it to look sharper than what it actually is :/

Yah so, been busy and such. But yaaah. Gobling is going well. Making a zbrush model of him and also did some more drawings of him. Mainly with his mask off and such. Too bad for anyone interested that I'm not really interested in showing the progress really. Soooo here have a face. I needed some pointless fun to relax.

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Welcome! Great start to your SB. Really love the environment thumbs. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Woop woop! And update! I mention this on my tumblr but there are some other pieces that go along with it; I just need to think of a good layout for them before uploading.

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dude, i think you should spend more time on your drawing, especially when you paint characters ! you're painting over a wrong drawing, so even if values looks good, in the end it still doesn't work well ... if you're directly painting in values without drawing underneath, try to feel the perspective of your character in order to better fit clothes on the body ! concerning your character thumbnails, you should play more with local value to give a better read ! most of your thumbnails uses the same average value on the whole design ! anyway keep it up !

[Image: the_delta_s_reach_by_my57-d6thy59.jpg]

Slightly updated and fixed some small things on it. Gonna post this in the critique section for some pointers.

Solid stuff in terms of landscape paintings and backgrounds.YOur characters lack in the anatomy department but it's nothing some good studying can't fix.You have a nice sence for scale and colors in environments so I'll be keeping my eye on here.Looking forward to more of your stuff.Keep it up.

@Kinkin: I get what you're saying, they do lack a bit 3d-ish stuff with the shadows and stuff.

@Rindoukan: Anatomy issues? Can you explain a little more, my thumbnails aren't the greatest in these I'm afraid :/ - Are you talking about my more complete painting of my Goblin (who is standing by himself). - I like knowing what exactly is wrong. Thanks!

I've been busy-ish but now it's christmas break which means I get to work on my larger project and still have time to do some of my landscapes for fun! Doing the Daily Spitpaint thing on Facebook, will be posting the set once every 4 days.

Each taking 30-40 minutes, first one wasn't apart of Spitpaint and probably took more like 50.

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School is back and making me busy. I was also too busy during my christmas break working on my school project to do the paintings I wanted to do. Sad is me.

Anyway, composition needs work as always but I needed to just have fun with colours. Mainly blue and orange/yellow. I always like those colours together.

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Well I thought I would post some work I've been up too I suppose. Well one thing. I'm unsure about if this forum really cares that much about 3D but here is a sculpt I've been working on. It's a bit far from done I suppose but it's going along rather nicely.

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