Yes! Alas dear readers, I am looking for a partner to study with and bridge the social learning gap. I've got a rough plan outlined for myself, but am lucrative to work out details. I'm a big believer in social sonar where ideas are bounced back and forth. I'm pretty self driven, but don't necessarily want to drag anyone either...
I'm 24, in the central timezone and something of a night-owl. -_o
I do have a job that can dip into the pm which can be worked out with whoever.
Structure is good to see a goal through, but shouldn't be unmalleable to the point of inconvenience and being overbearing.
Currently I'm working on sharpening my improving my workflow and anatomy and have various books and digital resources to mill through Loomis, Rubins, Hogarth, Vanderpoel, and Bridgman among them.
On Saturday I go to a figure drawing class as a sort of "lab time" to work out what I've learned through out the week.
I've been reading through a James Gurney book and want to set up some sort of color studies to do as well.
Sketchpads here:
Livestream I recently started here:
Lets hammer out some practice! Iron sharpens iron, right? :D
Yes! Alas dear readers, I am looking for a partner to study with and bridge the social learning gap. I've got a rough plan outlined for myself, but am lucrative to work out details. I'm a big believer in social sonar where ideas are bounced back and forth. I'm pretty self driven, but don't necessarily want to drag anyone either...
I'm 24, in the central timezone and something of a night-owl. -_o
I do have a job that can dip into the pm which can be worked out with whoever.
Structure is good to see a goal through, but shouldn't be unmalleable to the point of inconvenience and being overbearing.
Currently I'm working on sharpening my improving my workflow and anatomy and have various books and digital resources to mill through Loomis, Rubins, Hogarth, Vanderpoel, and Bridgman among them.
On Saturday I go to a figure drawing class as a sort of "lab time" to work out what I've learned through out the week.
I've been reading through a James Gurney book and want to set up some sort of color studies to do as well.
Sketchpads here:
Livestream I recently started here:
Lets hammer out some practice! Iron sharpens iron, right? :D