2h done

Thanks Angel, just comes kind of naturally when you study colors I quess, subtlety is much the same, gonna do some still lives soon.


Finished the goal, well the drawing part atleast. Catched up on schoolwork aswell.

Gonna set a new goal on 3rd february.

Finished portrait and now on to doing characters for my IP.

Wow... with every piece more improvement. I really admire your drive and how you've really listened to what people have said and your work you really are putting the rest of us to shame!! Great progress!! :D

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Thank you Missi, would'nt say that I am doing that much, its just 2h a day right now.
On weekends I have potentially 16 hours, on schooldays I have 6-8 (depending on gym)

As for improvement Ive found that sometimes there's no point to polish an image, its important to remember that you dont do the image for the sake of its beauty(unless clientwork), but because you are learning and the image is merely another step on the path.

Hey cracked, I have to mention it - I'm really impressed with the goals you task yourself with! Knowing how to manage time is priceless and you seem to have it under wraps! It's true what missimo said: seeing improvement in every piece, congrats man! Hard work is paying off!

Keep it up, cracked! Those portraits be looking goooood!

P.s. thanks again for the crits o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Good work man, just stopping by to drop you a bit of encouragement. Doing a great job, keep it up :)

Hey, there's been a lot of progress up till this point. Your stuff's been getting cleaner and cleaner each page.

If there's anything I think you could focus on to really improve your work, it'd be to get a greater separation of values/color in your paintings. Right now things are muddied in that respect, and just figuring out where the keep the two separate will really help strengthen your stuff.

Keep up the hard work, and just keep studying/applying. :D

Thanks everyone :)

Time to set that new goal.
Get 65 hours of art done and 10 hours of schoolwork done by the 1st of march.

Day 1; 3h done.

Just having fun with this one.

Update on character, theres something off with it.

Day 2: 2h done.

Doing the swamp elder bloodsport, started with some thumbnails.

Wasnt happy with the character because I got the feel of it wrong, also that pose was bad. Gonna redo it.

Thanks for the comment cracked! Really admire your work ethic, as always.
How were you starting those thumbnail sketches? To me it looks like you got into the details a bit too fast. might be a good idea to start with abstract shapes and mess around with them until a nice composition is found. One other really nice exercise I was doing once is called notan, in it you create the image using entirely flat black and white shapes. This forces you to decide what is seen as light and dark, and makes you figure out ways to have everything in the image clear and readable since you're seeing it in the simplest possible way.
And little suggestion based on your boxer drawing, when you're hatching like that try to stick to fewer line directions, and don't forget the hatching is supposed to give value information too. In that pic the hatching makes everything look about the same value.

Keep killin' it dude

Day 3: 3h done.

Thank you for the critiques Sam, as for thumbnails I started with 3 values, experimented with brushes and then went further than base values, because I wanted to get a feel for the scene.

Did some speedpaints and started working on the thumbnail.

Day 4: 4h done + 1h schoolwork done

Progress on Bloodsport 2 and medal design for some event.

Day 5: 3h


Hey man, I'm really liking the piece you're doing for Bloodsports. The monster coming out of the mist is awsome, and great mood as well.

Before you get too far into it, try to vary up some of the color temperature/color variation a bit more. Right now things are sort of sharing the same tone. The values are reading well also, the placement of the figures is great.

Really looking forward to seeing how the piece comes out! Keep it up. :]

Day 6: 1h done

Arch, I thought the purple eye would be enough, but now that you've pointed it out I see that its not enough, Ill add color variation to sky and foreground objects, many thanks.

Did some lizard studies. Got inspired by this guy and tried to emulate some of his build up work style in some studies.

Day 7:1h art done 2h schoolwork done

Had to get something done even though I'm tired as hell right now.

Rushed a lot and messed around.

Woah, you really stepped it up a gear since I was last in here man. Awesome stuff. Are you working through the old bloodsports atm btw? If so, good shout. :) That piece looks sweet, and those recent lizard studies look real nice. The brushwork especialy. Keep it up dude, always good to see you pushing it :)

Day 8: 2h art done

Thanks Jake, Im currently on 2nd bloodsport, there was a bloodsport revival thread in community challenges.

Running into some design issues...


FUCK YEAH, your bloodsports entry is shaping up nicely man! Nice studies too. Go full power on this one: no regrets.

Day 9: 2h schoolwork done
3h art done

Thanks Manny! I will!

Worked on the details quite a bit, also changed the weather.


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