Wolf's Sketches
I think i somehow have reached a point where i can say i can copy a photo well enough for my expectations. And now i am struggling since a few days with the question where i want to go from here. It was never my goal to make things look realistic but copying them that way is easy. I definitely like to work with a photoreference but there must be a way to use them to make a new work and not copy the photo one.
I don't know how to abstract from here. Any ideas how to go for a more artistic way?

And to underline my words - my latest work is a realistic approach.
Sandworm - 30 minute Spitpaint
[Image: sandworm___spitpaint_by_wolkenfels-d7845hf.jpg]

some silly experimentation - Drawn to Destruction
[Image: drawn_to_destruction_by_wolkenfels-d78gga8.jpg]

Spitpaint - Eagle Warrior
[Image: eagle_warrior___spitpaint_by_wolkenfels-d78gm60.jpg]

You seem to have found your answer, just experiment xD.

But I guess have you tried looking more into the more abstract ideas in art? Like contrast, composition and shapes. I remember there was this really good Craig Mullins lecture (maybe it was that gnomon master class one) on how exploiting the stuff that doesn't necessarily have to be representational is where some interesting stuff lies. The big one he talked about was contrast, how you should be able to have light/dark, textured/soft, big/small, sharp/curved, many/few, distributed/grouped, all these different things you should be trying to play off each other in an abstract way. If you havn't found the lecture before i suggest you look for it! I'm sure Mullins can explain it way better than I can :p

Hope that was somewhat helpful xD, keep it rocking regardless!

Thanks Cameron - will hunt down that lecture! Sounds like a good one.

And a last one for this weekend.
Dragon Lair - should have been a spitpaint (30 minute max) but then we got guests and i had to make a break and totally forgot to watch the clock.
Still liked the hoard and cave that were already done and added the dragon anyway - around 1 hour i guess. I know i use way too much saturated colors but every time i try to work with a gamut of colors i have the feeling it just sucks. Well - just do it. Every picture is a small step forward.

[Image: dragon_lair_by_wolkenfels-d78nh94.jpg]

Looking through the thread, it looks like you do very little linework, and a lot of your gestures and figure drawings rely heavily on contour. Your life drawings had a little construction going on, but that's the bulk of it.

Try doing pure linework and constructing figures from simple shapes rather than contour. Not drawing what you're seeing directly, but reconstruct what's there out of planes and shapes. Taking that next step to understanding the forms is important.

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_0_orUKQOg

@Felime - only problem with that is that i have absolutely no fun drawing.
I almost always paint directly without any underlying linework. It is just no fun for me. :/


Yellow Pillars
[Image: yellow_pillars___spitpaint_by_wolkenfels-d79pfmp.jpg]

Earthquake spell
[Image: earthquake_spell___spitpaint_by_wolkenfels-d79pg58.jpg]

Hunter - study http://neimorovets.35photo.ru/photo_287280/
[Image: hunter___spitpaint_by_wolkenfels-d79pg91.jpg]

Attack of the 15 meter woman - ref used but lost the link
[Image: attack_of_the_15_meter_woman_by_wolkenfels-d79pgru.jpg]

desert photo study and spitpaint to the topic jungle worm and then a 2,5 hour try of the same topic.

[Image: desert_study_by_wolkenfels-d7a27hh.jpg]

[Image: jungle_worm___spitpaint_by_wolkenfels-d7abtjh.jpg]

[Image: jungle_worm_2_by_wolkenfels-d7aesqo.jpg]

Paper Golem - spitpaint. Too much for 30 minutes.

[Image: paper_golem__spitpaint_by_wolkenfels-d7alf7t.jpg]

The Nest
just having fun and i somehow like it.

[Image: the_nest_by_wolkenfels-d7alqvf.jpg]

Yvonne Strahovski study reel...

[Image: study_yvonne_strahowski_by_wolkenfels-d7bhoii.jpg]

[Image: yvonne_3_by_wolkenfels-d7bqe3x.jpg]

[Image: yvonne2_by_wolkenfels-d7bqyg2.jpg]

[Image: yvonne4_by_wolkenfels-d7bqyr8.jpg]

couldnt paint much due to a full work week. but at least something from imagination.

Young billionaire Julian Premberton III discovering the Galaxy Empire in his own luxus spaceship Hermes.
Fun with forms - the background is a picture of the rosette nebula from NASA

[Image: spaceship_hermes_by_wolkenfels-d7d3x3l.jpg]

Did gestures the last days - wow is that hard - and i know i was a lot better before... sigh

tried some different stuff and different timings.

[Image: 50_gestures1_by_wolkenfels-d7dsc4a.jpg]
[Image: 50_gestures2_by_wolkenfels-d7dsc5g.jpg]
[Image: 16_gestures3_by_wolkenfels-d7dsc5m.jpg]

The yellow pillars made me laugh--the hammock, his expression, the upside down bird looking at him... So inventive and fun!

Love Yvonne--Chuck was the best show ever!

The gestures have some good variety. It helped me to start drawing the ribcage and pelvis as separate shapes and connecting them, and to draw through the figure, rather than just the outline. Sorta like in the proko or sycra youtube vids.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


I like your studies especially the study reel of Yvonne Strahovski. The first two studies there are great and also very clean! It would be great if you could try to apply the clean part also to your other studies. I am sure they will look twice as good then and it also helps gives your images a better structure and helps to focus on the important parts in your artworks/ studies! :)

Also it might be good, if you try to rely a bit less on textures and premade brushes, and concentrate more on things like value, composition and colors - especially if you want to draw more things from your imagination instead of photos. Understanding these things fully will help to achieve that goal. :) Also making exercises like texture studies or copying something form a photo and do the same from imagination again, might help a lot! :)

Keep up that hard work!
@Tygerson Thanks Tygerson! I try to get back into it. Watching the Michael Hampton videos.
@mat04art thanks. the second pair of Yvonne-studies was intenionally timed to see if i got the main features already -need to do more of this. Using a less textured brush always led to a very lifeless picture when i tried it in the recent times. Need to find a way around it.

Motivated by Sulamoon i made a skull study - no colorpicking at all - what is seldom for me as i normally pick at least the base tone before varying on it.
[Image: skull_by_wolkenfels-d7egsa4.jpg]

Another skull study.
There may come some more...
ref: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/q8GS7Sfkj0o/hqdefault.jpg

[Image: skull_2_by_wolkenfels-d7eli16.jpg]

And the next skull - hope i don't bore you to death.
Another one hour study. At the weekend i will have time for some other themes.

reference flic.kr/p/BqG2a
[Image: skull_3_by_wolkenfels-d7eq3su.jpg]

Continue the skull series.
A human trophy skulls.
Reference http://www.tribalartasia.com//TRIBAL_ART...l_HAT.html
[Image: skull_4_by_wolkenfels-d7f534d.jpg]

Had not enough time so this is only a fast one - around 45 minutes.
Next two days i am on business travel - so you are safe from more skulls.
Reference is http://www.tribalartasia.com/TRIBAL_ART_...LARGE.html
[Image: skull_5_by_wolkenfels-d7fhyla.jpg]

I had this idea of lions living in snowy mountains -this is my take on it.
reference for the lion http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attac...ba3436.jpg
[Image: snow_lion_by_wolkenfels-d7fhyhz.jpg]


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