Wolkenfels Livestream Status List

I thought i make a thread for my livestream app.

You can find the app under http://livestreamstatuslist.appspot.com/

It will show the status of all the listed livestreams. Streams that are live are posted green and at the top. A link to the stream is given and will open the stream in a new tab.

The status of the online channels refresh automatically - there is no need to reload the page.

I will add streams if you add the names in this thread or send me the name to Wolkenfels@gmail.com - please don't ask for streams that are great but deceased. e.g. Janaschi or Algenpfleger haven't streamed for years now and a longer list will result in longer loading times for the page.

I am open for suggestions. Feel free.

Now also supports ustream and the new livestream streams.

There are also 2 permanent hangouts on that page on the right side.

Cheers Wolkenfels

Dear Now what you also supports ustream and the new livestream streams???

supporting livestrem, new livestream, ustream and twitch

I am proud to announce that the livestream app now has 400 streams it checks regulary.

The app has to fullfill 4 user requests per second - that means 350.000 updates a day for all the open browser - too bad i dont know how many users are behind that number.

Anyway - i am a bit proud that the app chechs the online status of over 400 artists that stream from time to time and allow the communitiy of artists to participate and learn from each other and be a social bunch. I am happy to say i made some friends on that streams.

Go and create - make good art!

hey wolf can you add my channel to that list? sketchjones is my livestream name. my real name is Dustin Jones. Thank you.
My app now also supports Youtube livestream broadcasts.

if you know some artists streaming via YouTube please tell me their names.

This app now supports livestream, ustream, the new livestream, Twitch.tv, Justin.tv and YouTube Live broadcasts.

This list given above is very good for all because it has the largest collection of interesting playlists.
Hey Wolkenfels,

just wanted to let you know: very cool idea, appreciate the effort!

Hey there Wolkenfels :D

can you add my livestream to your list too?

My livestream link is http://www.livestream.com/arrshin. My name is Rshin :)

Thank you very much!
added :)

haha I tried if it shows in the list when i stream. it doesnt show, i think it's cause there was a dot at the end of the link. it's jut arrshin at the end. no dots ^^ thank you again wolkenfels, and sorry for the trouble!
Yo Wolkenfels, Can you add this to the list ? http://www.livestream.com/crimsonjeso Thanks man!

Rshin - i have seen your stream but then you got offfline - the tool scans only every 5 minutes for a new stream. I already exceed the allowed scan intervals a lot and don't want Livestream to shut my scanner down.

Jeso - added - and give it 5 minutes before first detection.
After that it scans more often going slowly down to the 5 minutes scan when you havent streamed for several days.


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