Hi Everyone. I'm a 31 year old designer who always liked comic books and wants to improve my artwork any way I can.

I originally went to design school because I wanted to be a comic artist, and I figured learning design would get me a technical background and help develop my skillset. Over the course of going to school, I decided to pursue design instead of drawing and took a break from art for about 7 years. I got back into drawing again about 2 years ago and started a webcomic about pieces of food that try to murder each other.

My webcomic: rationriot.com

After working on Ration Riot for a bit, I figured out that I have a lot to learn and decided to take a break from it and work on fundamentals. I'm currently trying to push my artwork into a realistic realm.

You can see my most recent work and updates on instagram and twitter, my username is modblot.

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Hey modblot! Welcome to the Daggers!

It's great that you've gotten back into art after a 7 year hiatus.
That food v food comic sounds like a lot of fun (I tried to check it out but none of the links worked for me)!

Make sure you make a sketchbook if you haven't already, I'll be sure to check it out. Looking forward to what you have in store for us all!

See you around o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

I guess one of my site's plugins updated and broke the webcomic from working. Shock
Here's the first page: http://rationriot.com/comic/chapter-01-00/

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Welcome to the forum dude. I just read your comic. It's hilarious. Lots of great puns and kept me reading. My favourite bit was the remixed dj track. :) Catch ya around.

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