Environment sketches
Hi all,

to concentrate on specifics i decided to focus on a different subject each time for a month. for august i chose to work a bit on environments. started from B&Ws and eventually went into color.
these are a few of the sketches i did so far of a fantasy/adventure type of ENVs.

any C&Cs would be appreciated.
thanks a lot

another daily sketch, started this 1 with color. Theme was "big temple" with a touch of far eastern architecture.

would appreciate any C&Cs,

a bit bigger format:

thanks alot
Well, these are awesome. Great work! These are really too far beyond my skill level to crit, but just to try to say something constructive: I guess I'd say that in the last piece, the shoreline on the left (with the pillar coming out of it) might have a little too much sharp detail and contrast, pulling some attention away from the main focal points.

But that's stupidly nit-picky. These are super rad dude!!

Come tell me how to fix stuff in my sketchbook: Broadway's Sketchbook
Hey man, nice work. Got some good comps and atmosphere going. I feel that your use of layering, while good, is ready to be pushed to the next level: Think about adding elements that transition between layers in depth. So for example put in rocks that go from foreground to midground continuously, rather than just existing at different depths.

Doing this will add more of a continuous space to your works, and a bit less of a cutout feel to them. I generally like your texture work, but I feel there could be a bit more integration and overpainting in some areas. Nice work overall. Keep it up.

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thanks a lot all of you guys,
trying to take all crit to heart and perhaps get a bit better, 
another color ENV i developed from a sketch. still keeping up with environments,any C&C would be very welcome.
the combination of ice and late midday light made a bit hard but i really liked the mood it gave.

Have you got some photos comped into there?

It's all shadows.
(09-21-2015, 01:55 PM)Jeremy Ray Wrote: Have you got some photos comped into there?

i used a bit of photos here and there, not too much actually in this 1. 
mostly to suggest a specific shape or generate ideas , all was painted over eventually.

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