Critiques Please!
Would love some feedback on this. It was meant to be a study of light and colour at different times of the day, But I'm struggling with morning an night and particular. Night is certainly the hardest, I'm having issues with the sky colour, and the colour of the grass. I was going for a bright full moon, but do you think maybe a spookier night scene would be better? With fog etc. 

Any help or paintovers would be much appreciated : > I've added in a closeup of the night scene so you can see a bit better.

Some nice iterations. I would say you have done a good job with implying it is night, but your highlights are too blown out in the moon one.

Here's a painting I think is quite succesful for moonlight. Obviously more realistic. I think you can get away with more for stylised pieces.

[Image: remington_wolf.jpg]

Also read these posts on moonlight by James Gurney:

Charming work in general though! ^^

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Thanks so much for the feedback! Really love that painting, and those links have some super helpful info on depicting moonlight. Gonna have fun re-working this piece, turning down the highlights and doing the light a little softer.
Your comps look lovely. As amit said, highlights are a bit to light for the night scenery. Best way learn to apply colors and values in night scenery is to study some photos and paintings of such.

(03-19-2016, 09:21 AM)Piotr Jasielski Wrote: Your comps look lovely. As amit said, highlights are a bit to light for the night scenery. Best way learn to apply colors and values in night scenery is to study some photos and paintings of such.

Thank you so much : > Definitely going to go and study some moonlit scenes to leanr more about night values etc. You guys have some great feedback, thanks!

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