Neopatogen Hey, thanks, I'm trying to do my best with those but they still aren't perfect. LOL Those creature-things are actually an exercise where I put textures from ref on a random blob, without thinking about making anything make sense! So they are totally abstract. They can end up looking cool, though.
Hobbit I know it! That's why I keep practicing.
Triggerpigking Definitely, do it! It's a great exercise. I do do warmups like that a lot, probably not enough though. :P Thanks for the advice.
Hey guys, I'm baaaaack... and this time I going to break this cycle of starting and stopping I keep getting into, LOL. Been having trouble with seeing and measuring proportions in the later Draw a Box exercises, so I decided to do some exercises to address that. First exercise I'm doing is the abstract shape copy from this Noah Bradley vid–
Basically I turn a master painting into a bizarre black and white thing using Image Adjustments–>Threshold in PS, turn it upside down, and copy it. It's kind of a weird exercise, and I intend on drawing from life more as well (it's not the same on a screen), but I find that turning what I'm copying into an abstract thing helps me break the feeling of being intimidated by drawing a THING. after doing this for a bit I realize "Hey, drawing from a thing is no different!"
I've worked on it for a while but I know there are mistakes. I'm thinking I should maybe use a bigger brush, and definitely I need to try to have cleaner lines here and there. Please share whatever crit or advice you have. :D
Hobbit I know it! That's why I keep practicing.
Triggerpigking Definitely, do it! It's a great exercise. I do do warmups like that a lot, probably not enough though. :P Thanks for the advice.
Hey guys, I'm baaaaack... and this time I going to break this cycle of starting and stopping I keep getting into, LOL. Been having trouble with seeing and measuring proportions in the later Draw a Box exercises, so I decided to do some exercises to address that. First exercise I'm doing is the abstract shape copy from this Noah Bradley vid–
Basically I turn a master painting into a bizarre black and white thing using Image Adjustments–>Threshold in PS, turn it upside down, and copy it. It's kind of a weird exercise, and I intend on drawing from life more as well (it's not the same on a screen), but I find that turning what I'm copying into an abstract thing helps me break the feeling of being intimidated by drawing a THING. after doing this for a bit I realize "Hey, drawing from a thing is no different!"
I've worked on it for a while but I know there are mistakes. I'm thinking I should maybe use a bigger brush, and definitely I need to try to have cleaner lines here and there. Please share whatever crit or advice you have. :D
"Drawing is a skill like hammering a nail. You might not be great at it yet, but there is nothing stopping you from gettin' down and hammering away." -Irshad Karim