JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Sketchosoph Thanks for your comment! I do really like the look you mention with really dense cross hatching and texture in the dark parts. I'll try that for sure in my next drawing! Needs a bit more planning I think, a little thumbnail to figure out where the values are but I think it will be worth it! Thanks again : )

Brushnoir You know, I think I had some kind of revelation moment after reading your comment. I always took the approach of either using spheres for eyeballs and wrapping lids over it or getting the eye shape down first - my success has always been hit and miss and I didn't feel much control over it. I never thought to try using two simple dots and building everything around them! Really feels like it could be just what I needed to start getting eyes right! Thanks so so much for sharing that ^_^b

Day 6 of pen training, circles and spirals made of short sections of line joined up to make a seamless shape. This one was really hard, yet another one I'll have to re-do many times before I get it.

[Image: r0dXbnV.jpg]

And finished off my comic from a few weeks ago. I don't like it anymore, just slapped on value in the last 4 frames so I can consider it 'done' and move onto the next one. I have written a nice little story, just planning out the pages, should be about 3 - 4 page long comic, a love story. I'll be spending my weekends on that til it's done.

[Image: OUIhEXJ.jpg]

Looks nicer printed out, a lot of the little mistakes are taken away:

[Image: LE4aZBW.jpg]

Comic book creator
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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 04-24-2016, 02:52 AM

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