Learning how to have proper draftsmanship
(05-15-2016, 11:11 PM)Triggerpigking Wrote: There's actually videolinks in the how to draw book as well, most of them being exclusive to it.

As for draftmanship, I already reccomended the warmup's excercises in your sketchbook thread but i'd also suggest maybe considering drawing in felt tip pen for a while as well(assuming it's not too expensive) which is what the drawabox guy suggests as well.

Do that and also try and visualize every line you put down which is tough but rewarding as you'll build the ability to plan ahead more, it's reccomended a lot by bobby chiu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLCXsWCVVNY drawing in felt tip pen will basically force you to do so and also deter you from wanting to do scratchy linework and also will help with pen pressure which will help with tablet painting as well.
I've actually only started doing some of this stuff myself recently after about 5 years of drawing and it does seem to be helping, for a new time artist like yourself I think it'll be a more faster process to get used to since you don't have years of bad habits to fix xD.

Good on you for trying to figure this stuff out early rather then jumping straight into anatomy and the like, it'll benefit you a lot in the long run :).
Thank you for the advice and link! I'll try working with felt tips for now instead of pencil.

The things I'm struggling with now is visualizing the precise angle of the lines I make.
Like for example in the pic I did
[Image: tumblr_o7bj6qYpyV1vuqs63o1_540.png]
I first establish/know where the ground plane is. Sometimes the angles get messed up. When I draw them, I get a little confused and it takes me more than usual to draw the line. I do my best to make them parallel and orthographic (for now)

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RE: Learning how to have proper draftsmanship - by DarlingDove - 05-17-2016, 09:19 PM

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