05-28-2016, 08:50 PM
I totally agree that gestures can't be taken as a fundamental to figure drawing. It's just one technique for shorthand as you said. Couldn't agree more.
I would however also like to put forward the notion that because learning is a very individual thing, one has to be a little careful about saying outright that one approach is wrong compared to another. Not because there aren't bad approaches, but in my opinion, especially when we talk about something as subjective as the right way to learn , it is mostly based on an opinion.
Most education formats appear to be dictatorial...it's what we are used to.
We want to be told how to do things, rather than spend the time to figure things out ourselves. So if a bunch of people think one way is the way, a beginner really doesn't know enough to be able to judge their approach because they have no frame of reference.
I personally learn very intuitively and by repeated trial and error. As a kid I always liked to figure out how things worked by breaking them and taking them apart. I rarely could put things back together again haha...damn spring loaded little dohickies!
If I learn software, I press everything and see what it does and break it way way before feeling the fear of "I don't know what I'm doing" and going to hunt for a tutorial. I know many people have the opposite attitude. The fear of "I don't know what I'm doing" sends them fleeing for the knowledge meal plated up and garnished.
If someone wants to go down a particular path, that you have already been down, and didn't work for you, well...I say let 'em. You can't force someone to be critically skeptical or think for themselves by telling them they are wrong because they have absolutely no way of judging your rightness, over the other person's rightness.
As a teacher I would say it is better to suggest things, and encourage people to find out for themselves and use a questioning approach rather than saying THIS IS THE WAY IT IS, because that tends to be a restrictive model of thought.
I would however also like to put forward the notion that because learning is a very individual thing, one has to be a little careful about saying outright that one approach is wrong compared to another. Not because there aren't bad approaches, but in my opinion, especially when we talk about something as subjective as the right way to learn , it is mostly based on an opinion.
Most education formats appear to be dictatorial...it's what we are used to.
We want to be told how to do things, rather than spend the time to figure things out ourselves. So if a bunch of people think one way is the way, a beginner really doesn't know enough to be able to judge their approach because they have no frame of reference.
I personally learn very intuitively and by repeated trial and error. As a kid I always liked to figure out how things worked by breaking them and taking them apart. I rarely could put things back together again haha...damn spring loaded little dohickies!
If I learn software, I press everything and see what it does and break it way way before feeling the fear of "I don't know what I'm doing" and going to hunt for a tutorial. I know many people have the opposite attitude. The fear of "I don't know what I'm doing" sends them fleeing for the knowledge meal plated up and garnished.
If someone wants to go down a particular path, that you have already been down, and didn't work for you, well...I say let 'em. You can't force someone to be critically skeptical or think for themselves by telling them they are wrong because they have absolutely no way of judging your rightness, over the other person's rightness.
As a teacher I would say it is better to suggest things, and encourage people to find out for themselves and use a questioning approach rather than saying THIS IS THE WAY IT IS, because that tends to be a restrictive model of thought.