looking for strong work ethic (any level)
Hi David,

I'm in a similar position. I'm currently aiming to create an illustration portfolio with a character focus (check my sketchbook via link in the signature to see what I'm working on) and I've just finished uni, so art is my full time commitment at the moment, and I'd like to make it a paying commitment ASAP. Bonus: I'm also based in the UK so we're in the same time zone :)

I've got loads of time in my hands, but I don't feel like I'm using it well enough. 7 hrs is a great aim. That's about what I should be doing, and I wish I could say that I'm consistently achieving that, but I'm not. I think that having a partner might help me to push up my hours (like, if I see someone working hard and there's a direct comparison to myself then I'll probably feel motivated to match their hours and their effort).

At the moment I'm trying to create a portfolio piece every week which reflects the best of my abilities and to use my studies each week to support that portfolio piece (so my studies are focused on whatever subject matter goes into the portfolio).

So, yeah, I think maybe we're in a similar position. Send me a PM or something if you're interested.

   -   Sketchbook   - 

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RE: looking for strong work ethic (any level) - by BadWoolf - 06-07-2016, 02:59 PM

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