07-04-2016, 12:31 AM
Quote:what medium would you suggest?
Personally, I do them in pencil, and usually after I did a page of 2 or 5 min heads, I go over them in ball point or ink or something, without a time limit. I find the inking part lets me see and correct even more mistakes - and I can really surprise myself over how they turn out. Of course it's great to do them in ball point like yours but I find that's more useful to 'test' my current level and practice visualising than it is to progress my level of understanding (just my opinion though). Also, you might want to do some more slower skull studies, the front of your heads and the faceplate and stuff look really solid but some of the backs and sides of the head feel squashed or stretched or just not enough mass / space to really fit the skull (this is just in your quick heads on some of the side and 3/4 views, the front views and paintings look sound). Keep going dude ^^