A Egg Yoks Journey into becoming a better Artist.
Hey everyone heres an update, 7/30/16
 Did a paint study of an apple. Its still a wip but I like the progress so far! Although im wondering if my highlights are a bit too blurry? that or maybe the picture size is a bit too close. I do seem to have trouble with the size of my art.
Overall, instead of using my usual picking colors and messing with the hues I took it to my instinct and my knowledge of colors to shade. Overall I say I had to work with the paint and layer it- which helped me learn that when painting something not to expect it to shade right then and there. 
[Image: paint_study_by_boogie45-dac3e9p.png]

I think I do like it though it has the painty style I kinda want :)

I also did some pixel art- I find with pixel art it can help you also with colors-
[Image: colors_and_magic_by_boogie45-dac3he9.png]
[Image: fuvk_by_boogie45-dac3hmp.png]

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RE: A Egg Yoks Journey into becoming a better Artist. - by Yokai90 - 07-31-2016, 07:19 AM

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