08-10-2016, 01:14 AM
Thank you.
Recent stuff.
Video time-lapsed
Brush experiment
I tried using others brushes, but it just didn't work/click for me. So I am now making my own brushes, that I will use in my own stuff. Its best that way, since you have a better understanding of what you can do for each brushes you make.
What I have been doing or am doing is focusing on learning mainly landscape, natural environments etc. A change of phase. Ever since I started drawing a lot more on a daily basis. Might have been that I needed a change to happen in order to keep me interested.
I don't really update in most sketchbooks on any forum. Because to save time, I update mainly on my tumblr now ->
I will possibly update this thread once or twice a month. Keeping this post short and concise. Until next time, keep fighting the good fight.
Thank you.
Recent stuff.
Video time-lapsed
Brush experiment
I tried using others brushes, but it just didn't work/click for me. So I am now making my own brushes, that I will use in my own stuff. Its best that way, since you have a better understanding of what you can do for each brushes you make.
What I have been doing or am doing is focusing on learning mainly landscape, natural environments etc. A change of phase. Ever since I started drawing a lot more on a daily basis. Might have been that I needed a change to happen in order to keep me interested.
I don't really update in most sketchbooks on any forum. Because to save time, I update mainly on my tumblr now ->
I will possibly update this thread once or twice a month. Keeping this post short and concise. Until next time, keep fighting the good fight.