Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches!
Hey Lale! nice work you have here :) I made a paintover suggesting some things. the first thing I changed was her left breast, which was a little too large in comparison to the right one (specially in this case because it's supposed to be a little forshortened :P)

second one is her clothes. the right side is nice since it's following the curves of the shoulders, but the left one is kinda flat because it's not following properly the shape of the body.

lastly I would suggest to reconsider the foreshortened arm. I couldn't changed it as I would like, but I think it's a little weird because its distortion is pretty extreme. anyway...

I really hope it helps somehow! and sorry for my terrible english, hahaha


Messages In This Thread
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Nemome - 10-24-2012, 01:26 AM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 12-04-2012, 09:25 PM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 12-05-2012, 10:54 AM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 12-05-2012, 09:46 PM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by Brainfruit - 01-23-2013, 01:54 AM
RE: Lale's Traditional and Digital sketches! - by tfantoni - 08-31-2016, 09:19 AM

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