John's Thread (Used to be super active! Still the longest thread name ever in CD)
Damn dude, nice work in this last page! Who doesn't love painting pretty girls?

Something I want to ask you, as I'm trying to figure this out myself. What value do you feel like you get from doing master studies beyond an improvement in dexterity and general digital painting ability?

Because I'm starting to feel like if I have an idea for a piece, it's enough to just LOOK at master works and try to emulate the artist's brush strokes, color vibrancy, composition, or whatever they do well within my own subject matter.

Then again, perhaps accurate copies of photos/ master works are an effective way to absorb the information subconsciously.  It also looks like you're benefiting from understanding a more structured process too.

I would love to know your thoughts.


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RE: John's Thread (Do not coddle and punch him right in the goolies.) - by DQ_Nick - 09-21-2016, 01:30 AM

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