01-17-2017, 03:21 AM
Hey man, i see you are well on your way with studying, which is good! I hope you feel more comfortable with your studies now than you did when you wrote the first post. I want to point out something though if you want to be a character artist still. I do not think you are there yet in terms of drawing the character by itself, simply because you are still making some mistakes in fundamentals. Try to make front, side back view so that a 3D modeler can use your character to make it in 3D space. Also think of a story for your characters, think of their attitude, think of what environment they live in and what their clothing is.. That is good character design! :D Like you and artloader already said, take it slow. Do not look at other people! There are people that draw 16 hours a day yes and they become really good faster than others - if they study well. That doesnt mean however that everyone should do that. I for example don't draw so much but think back in my head of certain shapes or things i have done in 1 study and try to apply that to the next concept i do. I also do not think one is learning slower because lack of passion. Sure passion gives you overall better looking drawings, but it is more a matter of discipline. Your brain is used to looking at youtube after school, so automatically your hands grab the mouse and go browse the web xD If you want that character artist job, you can do it. It only takes time, and time requires patience :)