Federclown's Somewhat Realistic Portraits Sketchbook
Hey ThereIsNoJustice,

first, thank you very much for taking the time to give me such detailed feedback, I really appreciate it and will take everything into consideration!
The tutorials I've watched before about drawing hair weren't too helpful, but Proko's video looks really good. It sure will help me a lot finishing my work, thanks for the recommendation!

I actually did measure the photo before (I printed out the reference and drew a dozen lines on the face to get an idea of the proportions) but maybe I should draw that grid on the canvas before and not do it just with my eyes, yes :D And you're right about the cheekbones and the nose, I was wondering why the face looks so old and those are probably the reason. 

Also thanks for recommending Dorian to me! I never thought about going from big lines to small lines. 

Have a nice day

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RE: Federclown's Somewhat Realistic Portraits Sketchbook - by Federclown - 05-23-2017, 09:30 PM

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