John's Thread (Used to be super active! Still the longest thread name ever in CD)
Steeliebob - Thanks Steeliebob!
Artloader - Love the recommendation. I like Wlop's illustration. This is the first time I heard of his web comic. Thanks for this! And yeah, that comment about heroic proportions, you're probably the second one who commented on that. I will mull things over. Rest assured that will not be the final version. Unless my copy craps out that is! Knock on wood!


I just recently found out that I don't know how to render a sphere. Apparently, the highlight isn't necessarily smacked down in the center of the lightest halftone.. I have to credit Hobitt again for the clarification. was the reading he sent me. I have yet to read it since my dyslexia keeps me from wanting to do it.

Here are two sphere studies:

And a botched attempt at doing a portrait:

Hmm.. I have to read/study more about simplification. I think that was were I made a huge mistake.. And looking at it now, the colors don't look good together..

Chalk another one up for failure. Must do more studies and exercises.

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead

Messages In This Thread
RE: John's Thread (Do not coddle and punch him right in the goolies.) - by John - 06-08-2017, 12:11 AM

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