Fear is the mind killer
Hello Daggers,

Been lurking for a bit, thought I might as well say hello although I don't have much to contribute to the community as of yet.

At 38 I decided that I would like to fulfill an old dream of mine of becoming a concept artist. I've had no real prior training in this field, so I definitely have my work cut out for me. I work in health care full time, and spend the rest of my days drawing.

Reading through the many great sketchbooks here on this site has been a great source of inspiration, thank you for that. And its quite motivating to see everyone's progress. Hope one day to have something worthy of sharing.

So far, the two biggest things I've learned is, it comes down constant reflective practice and Visualization of form (caps intended as I find this is key for me). Now if I could only do it consistently...

As for my biggest hurdles, if I had to say, it would likely be rushing through practice at times, losing focus (autopilot), lack of structure and diversity in practice (as in i'll spend a whole day/week focusing on one thing and one thing only i.e.: lines), very little life drawing (close to 0), a sense of having poor control over my lines (i.e.: how I intend the line to look and how it ends up doesn't always match, especially with curves), poor visual library. Also I noticed sometimes I find myself being fearful, the thing is I can't tell whether i'm afraid of doing poorly (unlikely as I expect to do poorly at this stage) or of actually doing well or better than expected... is it that i'm afraid of doing something nice and not being able to repeat it? I don't quite get why I feel this way at times, it doesn't really impact me as I just power through it anyways but its been interesting.

Currently i'm taking Dynamic Sketching 1 at CGMA, and slowly going through Proko's figure drawing course (still at the beans, had a hard time with gesture), also got the Hampton's figure drawing book (yay for a method to the madness...)  and Framed Ink (looks like a nice read on composition) on the way from amazon which i'm excited to dig into. I have the pdfs of all of Loomis books (thanks to that nice fellow that been hosting it for years), and a very nice little book on perspective called Perspective made Easy.

Any suggestions for other resources useful for someone at the early stages as myself is most welcomed.

Messages In This Thread
Fear is the mind killer - by Shalis - 08-15-2017, 05:51 AM
RE: Fear is the mind killer - by AEBL - 08-15-2017, 08:14 AM
RE: Fear is the mind killer - by Amit Dutta - 08-15-2017, 10:47 AM
RE: Fear is the mind killer - by Shalis - 08-15-2017, 11:40 PM
RE: Fear is the mind killer - by Artloader - 08-16-2017, 08:38 AM
RE: Fear is the mind killer - by Shalis - 08-17-2017, 03:17 AM

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