09-27-2017, 03:39 PM
cover for Wolves.
Focused a lot of arm anatomy Post Robotpencil reccomendation to try and dial in a little more with how loose and shitty my hands have been and how I'd like to incorporate solid structural landmarks in the arm (olecranon wedge as a guide) as oppose to following the natural rhythms of the deltoid, biceo and loose understanding of the trips. -My hands on the guy with the glowpack are pretty fucked.
studying a guy doing Kung-Fu exercises on a wooden dummy was great to see how movement changed the forms.
Been thinking a lot about the way that I make money with my art and where/how I want to do it as oppse to how everyone does it. (gridlocked into means with daily studio work) Been putting a board together of all of the inspirations I enjoyed as a kiddo and why I fell in love with drawing in differnt phases of my childhood. I remember running home to catch the bus to catch the toonami start as I tried to piece together the plot of dbz and gundam wing. This vid as a promo so of captures that feeling. I love that old style of animation with smoke overlays and the light that shines through the slide glass on layers. Gives the light a much more "electric" feel; like in Akira, Secret of NIHM and American Tale.
I also been thinking a lot about narrative. Started playing DnD as a DM the last year which I think has helped a lot fto make me think about the framing of narrative for what I'm doing/drawing. I'd like to harness that power more in future pieces.
-should also do some more ideative sketches for fast gains to hammer out anatomy in perspective.
-Also, noting that I'd like to take a pass at some enviromental work to help push my illustrative pieces instead of just having empty backgrounds.