RandomGreenButton's Durp Dump
Hello humans! 

I'm new to this forum and just thought Ill post a few of my stuff to get it going. I've only gotten back to drawing a little after the start of this month. Too much work and computer broke on the 16th of August (so no drawing at all for over a month and a half).

October (Fri) 6th. All day Trying to get back into drawing.
[Image: captsadsgjre_by_randomgreenbutton-dbq1w3p.png]

October (Mon) 9. Hour morning sketch.
[Image: randomgreenbuttondoodlefdsfv_by_randomgr...bq1w4g.png]

October (Mon) 9th. One day Concept Illustration
[Image: capture_pumpkinvxfd_by_randomgreenbutton-dbq2vsd.png]

October (Tues) 10 One day Illustration Sketch
[Image: captugfdg6r_by_randomgreenbutton-dbq5904.png]

October (Wed and Thurs) 11th and 12th. Two day illustration, The first day made me feel like Hell XD. But I think I pulled through ok.
[Image: capture_snek3_by_randomgreenbutton-dbq9sq0.png]
[Image: capture_snek6_by_randomgreenbutton-dbqfytz.png]

October (Fri,Mon to Wed) 13th, 16th to 18th.
[Image: capturasdasde_by_randomgreenbutton-dbqzges.png]
Rainbow signature is best signature!!!

Sorry for the spam. I'm just adding things that I've added to other forums from this month.


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RandomGreenButton's Durp Dump - by RandomGreenButton - 10-23-2017, 12:54 AM

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