MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again
I had an extremely hard time with this lesson. I didn't manage to translate everything to 3d. Even copying to a distorted grid was out of my reach on this one. I really need to understand this before moving any further forward in this book.
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(02-02-2018, 10:13 AM)darktiste Wrote: It not a really essential exercise to be learned straight away just because you see it in a book. You would gain more from learning to do ellipse correctly and learn how to do perspective relying less on vanishing line.But i salute you effort for trying.Also avoid being stubborn on a specific exercise it can burn you out pretty fast it best to come back to previous exercise just to check again a few notion and than come back if necessary.What is essential is that you evaluate the priority you have is drawing perfect stair you priority???Or is it being able to draw complex object in perspective?
I was just afraid I wouldn't be able to contiune unless I fully understood the lesson. I apologize if I'm spending too long on these.

(02-14-2018, 09:11 PM)Amit Dutta Wrote: I hope you are also taking some time to sketch things for fun. Too much of mindlessly grinding on technical fundamentals is a good way to burn out and or make little progress for so much effort. I see it too often in this forum. Endless repetition of study with less effective actual learning. If you are struggling at a study, allow yourself to have some fun too, and sketch for the pure enjoyment of it as well. isn't that why you want to draw anyway? you will learn better if you allow yourself to enjoy the process. This is more important than you might think. :)
Unfortunately I have not been doing that. I find myself getting very frustrated when I try to draw things I want to and getting in this strange loop of "That wasn't what I wanted to draw" then attempting to correct it only to have made it worse. Then I attempt to correct that and this repeats over and over again. It's hard for me to really have fun when I have little control over the outcome of my drawings.

(02-15-2018, 02:53 AM)dawckward Wrote: youve chosen a hard but rwarding path, remember your perspective tools for problem solving this i nice improvement and grind on understandingwhich i think is very good draftmanshit takes a bit to get there but the eye and the mind get better faster, sadly the hand goes slower so you might feel discouraged but thats normal!

and when you feel like you want to get better lines i recommend peter han excercises do them a couple of weeks and then use them as wwarmups daily i swear by them to get better lines and line control!
Alright, I suppose more of Peter Han couldn't hurt. I really do need better line control.

(02-15-2018, 07:29 AM)darktiste Wrote: Ill have to second what Amit said about doing some personal drawing.It best to have an alternance of draftmanship and some time to apply a few of the concept you learn into something you wish to draw.I personnaly recommend doing study of master if you feel tired of the same thing over and over.
I could give a master study a try. I have a few illustrators I look up to, like the Brothers Hildebrandt and MC Escher.

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RE: MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again - by MagneticScrolls - 02-19-2018, 07:18 AM

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