03-25-2018, 04:59 PM
I just wanted to make a quick note. Black and white movies are great to study broad light and shadow and value blocking schemes. Any first year film / cinematography student is taught this because those moviemakers HAD to work to compose the 'values' and lights specifically for a colour free medium; whereas colour films have another dimension to them. And ofc hitchcock films are brilliantly shot as are many other film noir movies, so don't worry about that. thanks for the link actually, i hadn't seen that before...so many great compositional shots to learn from! Try some quick studies using simplification down to only 2 to 4 specific values in flat areas, focusing on the overall read. it's good for compositional and broad value arrangement practice
as for having fun....try harder....to let your toxic self criticism go. it's not a good sign if you can't enjoy drawing. i wouldn't get used to that. seriously, why are you doing it in the first place then? the answer won't lie in better skills. it's in your head.
as for having fun....try harder....to let your toxic self criticism go. it's not a good sign if you can't enjoy drawing. i wouldn't get used to that. seriously, why are you doing it in the first place then? the answer won't lie in better skills. it's in your head.