03-02-2019, 12:29 AM
I´ve started experimenting with more painterly styles again as I don´t always like the stiff/clean look of my finished images. The two examples below are sketches from imagination done without any lineart, starting off with very textured paintstrokes, going from big broad shapes to finer ones, bringing order to a chaotic mass. It is the complete opposite of what I usually paint like. Usually, clean lineart comes first, then clean local colour base layers, then rendering (essentially bringing order to already established order :) )
It is absolutely liberating to paint in this chaotic way. Not sure if the result looks good in any way, but I think, I´ll keep using that workflow at least for my sketching as it is fun and also very fast
It is absolutely liberating to paint in this chaotic way. Not sure if the result looks good in any way, but I think, I´ll keep using that workflow at least for my sketching as it is fun and also very fast