MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again
(07-29-2019, 03:50 PM)chubby_cat Wrote: If you haven't already, you should check out moderndayjame's videos on perspective on youtube ( I found they are really helpful for breaking down perspective. If you don't mind spending a few dollars, I would also highly recommend his INTRO TO DYNAMIC SKETCHING video on his gumroad - I got it today and found it cleared up so many questions I had about perspective.
Alright, is this one any good for those who can't draw the things that are in front of them? I'm already having tons of issues getting any of the basics (or things that come before the basics).
(07-30-2019, 12:15 AM)darktiste Wrote: Perspective isn't the problem right now but rather spacial awareness meaning being able to scale down or scale up and image and being accurate.Right now he translating rather than observing and measure and copying and this can be something hard for beginner to understand .Translating mean that rather that trust sit on technique to estimate distance you use wield guess

.Copying is the act of being able to find the exact location of a point on a
 x y z axis and using that point as a starting point to build around the rest of the image.Aslong as you do not understand the principle of visual measuring you will be stuck in a big guessing game.

So i encourage you to do this simple exercise that should help you to start to estimate distance.Draw A point then draw a point B that connect horizontally without creating a diagonal now use a ruler and join those two point together.

Congratulation if your successfully have an horizontal line connecting the two point.

Repeat the exercise but every time try to add more distance between the two point.

The goal of this simple exercise is to be able to situate a point along the same axis.

Exercise 2

In this exercise Draw A point a point B that connect horizontally use a ruler to do so.Once you have that segment created set aside the ruler and DO NOT USE IT until you repeat the exercise a second time.

Now that you have a segment AB try to estimate the center of the segment.Once you are satisfied with your estimation mark the center.Now use the ruler and measure the segment length and divide the length by 2 result is distance between A and the middle.Take the ruler and verify if your mark end up at the half way.

Congratulation if you did all correctly you just estimate the half point correctly.If not try again until you improve your estimation the result doesn't have to be perfect but it should be as close as possible.

Exercise 3

In this exercise Draw A point a point B that connect horizontally use a ruler to do so.Once you have that segment created set aside the ruler and DO NOT USE IT until you repeat the exercise a second time.

Now that you have a segment AB try to estimate the center of the segment.Now estimate the half point and name it 0
Now estimate the half point between A to 0 repeat the operation but from 0 to B.You should now have 4 equal segment.

Congratulation if you correctly create 4 same length segment you just learn how to divide a segment into 1/4

your eventually want to learn how to divide a segment into 1/3 into, 1/5 and 1/8 this should be the basis for you to start to understand how to specially measure space between two point of course so far you only been able to situate them on a horizontal axis you want to also be able to do this vertically and diagonally.

I provided 3 image to show you how complex visual measuring can be once you understand how to use it properly.

One important thing that is not mentioned but that i used in my example is to learning to find the middle of a box i will show you how to do this soon.

Just as a closing word as you can see this can be really hard to follow only written instruction and yes it also hard to find people that will be able to teach you how to advance your understanding of how to draw do not lose hope there plenty of online resource and youtube video of course find a teacher is an important step to speed up and give you feed back at a faster rate i could ever do with this written format so i encourage you to keep searching for art teacher around your area but if not there probably some online course you will be able to sign for.
I tried to follow your instructions but, I think I failed. I honestly don't know....

[Image: 001a7777.jpg]

Anyway i'm on page 54 of Fun With a Pencil and I don't appear to be understanding it well at all. I'm still not able to draw even when the face is broken down into shapes right in front of me. I'm almost half way through the book and I feel as if I have learned very little with it. 

[Image: FWP-48-1.jpg]

[Image: FWP-48-2.jpg]

[Image: FWP-48-3.jpg]

[Image: FWP-48-4.jpg]

[Image: FWP-48-5.jpg]

[Image: FWP-48-6.jpg]

[Image: FWP-48-7.jpg]

[Image: FWP-49-1.jpg]

[Image: FWP-49-2.jpg]

[Image: FWP-49-3.jpg]

[Image: FWP-54-1.jpg]

[Image: FWP-54-2.jpg]

[Image: FWP-54-3.jpg]

[Image: FWP-54-4.jpg]

[Image: FWP-54-5.jpg]

[Image: FWP-54-6.jpg]

The book seems like it's done with heads and now I'm confused.
 I don't feel like anything was fully explained or taught inspite of reading this book. I feel like I've been left behind.

Most of the youtube videos I've seen are not helpful in any manner. I mean I've seen ctrl-paint and it's really bad - 5 minute videos that don't take the time to explain things. There are others that are basically people just drawing or painting. I don't see how anyone learns anything by watching these.

There are others that start off with the basics but the quickly go off into extremely advanced concepts. I fail to grasp any of these. They don't go into detail on the basics at all and except the viewer to be an very fast learner. 

Still no replies on the ad I placed. I don't know where else to go. Which online courses are good for someone who is so wildly inaccurate?

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RE: MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again - by MagneticScrolls - 08-13-2019, 03:52 PM

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