12-08-2019, 04:54 AM
(12-05-2019, 02:49 AM)darktiste Wrote: Rotohail thank for the paint over i am still really bad with instruction and need some practice but i managed to find a sycra video on the topic if your interest to see how he approached the problem though i would share for your trouble.I glazed over it the other day, he's doing the same I learn to do from:
But he's going at it the other way around? He starts with the plane for the box bottom and figures out the measure points and measure bars from there. You can go either way, draw first the circle of view and set the vps/mps or draw a cube then fit the circle and vps to it. So long you are consistent and keep the relations at work as they should be, it will be fine. That's the most important I think, you should look into why you have to keep certain angle relationships between the vps, and what lines converging mean, why there's distortions depending on where we view something from... that's the most important.
(12-07-2019, 03:00 AM)darktiste Wrote: I am doing a 100 box challenge in 2 point perspective but i am debating with myself if it worth posting.Anyone as good reason it would be worth posting?Post it if you need feedback or are stuck, but if you are doing mechanical drawing or studies, once you get how to do one, the rest is applying the knowledge, nothing much else. In the case of studying you have an original, so you can tell if it's close or not to what you wanted it to be. In any case, ha, it's your thread man! Do as you feel is right!