06-10-2020, 10:01 PM
and some digital shiizz I did in the past few months too..
bit of portrait practice
Playing with pushing of features and just a little something for a friend
Art related to my IP RealEyes.. Want to turn this into a figurine maybes
adding one to the symbiotes series I've been doing for a while
A quick contribution to the sailor meme
and I'll be getting back to work now
Just a quick msg to ya'll on the grind..
keep at it, keep working on improving your skills and body of work and it will pay off
things have been growing for me pretty much as I had predicted based on what I had gathered from listening to people in various stages of their art careers. I had some periods of slow down for personal reasons but just as it starts to feel like you're in some sort of limbo. bam.. opportunity approaches.
I've not done much searching for clients.. My focus has just been to build my skills and make things I personally like.
It's going ok so for now im going to keep on that path and encourage you to do so too should you feel so inclined.
you can do it
and if you need some help regarding painting, can reach out to me
maybe on instagram will get a faster reply @andrewgibbonsart
be good all
bit of portrait practice
Playing with pushing of features and just a little something for a friend
Art related to my IP RealEyes.. Want to turn this into a figurine maybes
adding one to the symbiotes series I've been doing for a while
A quick contribution to the sailor meme
and I'll be getting back to work now
Just a quick msg to ya'll on the grind..
keep at it, keep working on improving your skills and body of work and it will pay off
things have been growing for me pretty much as I had predicted based on what I had gathered from listening to people in various stages of their art careers. I had some periods of slow down for personal reasons but just as it starts to feel like you're in some sort of limbo. bam.. opportunity approaches.
I've not done much searching for clients.. My focus has just been to build my skills and make things I personally like.
It's going ok so for now im going to keep on that path and encourage you to do so too should you feel so inclined.
you can do it
and if you need some help regarding painting, can reach out to me
maybe on instagram will get a faster reply @andrewgibbonsart
be good all