JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Chubbycat Thanks for the feedback! Definitely a case of having looked at it too long when colouring the streetlights, I totally get you!

Darktiste Thanks for taking the time to give feedback! Totally agree, and spotting blacks is a major weakness for me, whenever I try I end up with ugly and confusing images that doesn't read anymore. Need to work on that definitely, I'd love to get to a point where it works in black and white ink only then colour is just adding mood. I study Hellboy for his panel layouts, and definitely he's a master of gothic occult mood! This comic is a bit more 'Nancy Drew' than 'Hellboy', but can still gain a lot studying Mignola.

Re posting those pages (and the newest one) as spreads, since that's how they'll be published. Not sure if the colours & lighting work better like this or if I still have the same issues (too bright streetlights, not enough dark fall off)? 

Let me know : )

Probably the lack of any sky on page 3 doesn't help, I'll try increasing the light fall off or use stronger cast shadows there.

I do need to bear in mind that when it's printed everything looks darker and there's lower contrast, so I can't get too dark in the BG if I want people to see the details. Already the tree/bushes/sky on the last page may merge too much.

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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 10-31-2020, 02:13 AM

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