JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
I appreciate the follow up and the paintover. I agree the design on that one didn't work, I can't stand to look at his oversized eyes and it looks really digital. The exercise was getting the values to work across the image, which I think was at least somewhat successful. I will continue trying to keep design in mind tho, and start to work on my paint strokes.

I'm experiencing major doubts about all my work, as well as my head filling with excuses as to why things are like that; the paintings are bad cause I set time limits, figures are broken cause they're just warm ups, my comic characters are wonky cause of time constraints. I recognise these as negative forces trying to overwhelm me and need to not give them any energy. I need to make some short term goals to focus on... will be working on those! Hopefully I can get there before the burnout sets in, I can feel it building up :/

Since I'm here might as well post these:

first idea for the ghost villain for the next chapter of Penny Pentagram. Over the course of the chapter he changes and grows in size to giant proportions then shrinks down to the size of a finger when Penny reveals something to him so I need a 'normal' and 'nasty' version that he can gradually morph into.

kind of weird painting exercise today; make the painting using only fully saturated colours with 100% brightness. It's basically a value exercise again, the image is kind of painful to look at but if I nudge the saturation down just a little bit it looks ok.

Comic book creator
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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by JyonnyNovice - 12-09-2020, 10:08 AM

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