Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Thanks so much cgmythology

I’m trying to speed up my process and changed from a more painterly approach with my digital paintings — slowly building up layer upon layer — to more of a color flatting, shading and highlight approach as seen in Marc Burnet’s video on the previous page. 

This has sped things up a lot but I’m still learning the tricks of that trade. 

The valuable suggestion I keep getting though is to push values (as you said) — so with today’s offering I tried to do that.   

Feel kinda like I’m re-learning painting though — so I hope I’m understanding the advice I’m getting about that.  Anyway — thanks again!

darktiste Thanks so much.  That’s really excellent advice — thinking about it as XYZ was like a light-bulb moment for me.
I’ve been working on character design and haven’t been thinking as much about composition but know I need to do way more of that. 

Today's first offering was just painted over and old sketch I did from 2019 so I wasn’t able to make use of your suggestion.  Anway — thanks so much again!
Here’s the latest at the top and a few older sketches below it that I'm planning to paint next  — and a look at the older style of digital painting I used to use - slowly building up layers.  It's kinda a photo-real / caricature.

Thanks for looking in

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RE: Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in! - by Jephyr - 05-19-2021, 03:39 AM

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