11-11-2021, 06:34 AM
(11-10-2021, 02:06 AM)Ben Nissen Wrote: Awesome job on the new piece! The texture on the dog is cool since it helps contour all the forms. Also love the space themes in this! Nice work on the perspective in the scene, is there anything you have studied or use to help better understand perspective?
Hey Ben, thank you. I didn't do anything too involved, mostly intuitive. I had started with 3 point but it was way too distorted so redid the stone and ended up cropping it close anyhow. I did box in the dog first.
I've started another monthly challenge a bit late, due on Sunday. This time it's no secret, it's just taking a dark character/creature/environment and placing it in another period or setting. I don't do much fanart if at all so it took a moment between my very eventful month to come up with a 1920s Flapper Clicker Zombie...