Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in!
Hello fellow humanoids and Zed <reminder:  if you drop a body part please let the front desk know.  Last week we found a rotting human tongue someone left on the mezzanine)


So I've been having all kinds of 'modern problems' of late. 

The other day I paid $5.70 a gallon for gas.  In March it was 3.49 — and in December 2020 it was 1.88.  I put $55.00 in and it didn't even fill my tank.  Grrrrrrr

I spent a month trying to get my Doctors office to refill a prescription.  I left a number of messages and spoke to his assistant several times and even had a conference call with my insurance company and his office.  It wasn't until I insisted on speaking with the Office Supervisor that my Dr's assistant FINALLY took care of it — THAT SAME DAY!!

I was having trouble with my internet and called for repair.  They kept saying they'd send a tech and I had to be here.  Then they kept cancelling and closing repair tickets.  I musta called a dozen times and used their chat feature at least that many times over ALMOST a month before it was finally repaired.  Oh — and one time I waited on hold and HOUR AND A HALF!!

I could go on but I'm boring myself with it.  If you've ever read 1984 or seen The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy (not a great movie) or Brazil (weird but OK) — our world has become just like that.  Endless red tape and bureaucracies.  harrumph


Ok — so you came here for the art not all that junk.

Just finished another old one I started AGES ago — and I used a lot of Darkiste's ideas from my last painting (thanks again Dark).

It's 40 X 28" — so something like a 16:9 aspect ratio.

I gathered 100s and 100's of reference images — and here are a few I used:

The copyright remains with the original owners — if you'd like me to add a references or link — or remove your image — please let me know

Here are some 'detail' close-ups

I'm a little fried on this one — but I'd be interested in feed-back — even if I don't apply it to this one I will 'go to school' with any ideas y'all have.

Thanks for stopping by.

Ciao fer now


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RE: Look what the Sonoran wind just blew in! - by Jephyr - 06-18-2022, 12:50 AM

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