07-25-2022, 09:14 AM
Really solid improvements to the latest piece! Happy to see you putting in so much effort into your work and pushing yourself and taking the critiques well. If I had a thing to crit it would be the cape, and how it's silhouette juuust barely touching the edge of the painting and things like that can make an image feel claustrophobic. To solve it either have it go beyond the canvas edge, or increase the space between the cape and the edge by moving the cape closer to the center. The face looks great, and I want that to be a focal point but I get too distracted by the cape actually. It's one of the areas with most contrast, and I wonder if that subtle golden glow on the face which is essentially lowering the contrast of that area makes my eyes wonder off a bit too much to the cape area.
Either way, solid work and keep em coming! :D
Either way, solid work and keep em coming! :D